Top recruiters, authors, executives, writers, graphic designers, entrepreneurs, coaches and other experts have chosen their best job search tips of 2008 for you.

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Job Search

Job Search Tips: The Top Five From 2008

Sarah Welstead, User Experience Director, Head2Head: ā€œRecruiters have to wade through a lot of inappropriate applications in order to find the right candidates for a given job. Here are a few simple tips that you are among the best applicants.ā€

Psychology of the Employment Search

Damien Riley, Author and Teacher: ā€œI chose to enter this post because itā€™s advice I got in college that has served me well in my career. ā€œDonā€™t be too picky.ā€ We may not always have the choices we dream of, but we can always pick the best optionā€¦ for now.ā€

6 Best Blogs For Helping You Find A Passionate Career

Sean Aiken, Creator of the One Week Job project: When youā€™re struggling to find your passion, sometimes it helps to have encouragement along the way.

Search for a Job Like Youā€™re House Hunting

Andrew G.R., Founder of Always the obsessor, Iā€™m in full research mode looking for a house. Maps, charts, grids, financial tables and so on. Given that this is the single largest investment I might ever make, it certainly warrants extensive research. And that got me thinkingā€¦

We should all put this amount of effort into the job hunt. But Iā€™m willing to bet that many of us donā€™t. Here are a few reasons why you should make your job hunt like a house hunt.

Job Search Traps

Barbara Safani, Author and Owner of CareerSolvers: ā€œI chose this post because I received several inquiries from prospects after reading this post (which was republished on The Ladders) saying they were guilty of every one of the traps I describe and were ready to come to terms with their search methodology (or lack of one). Maybe this post can help your readers better understand that job search is not as simple as slapping a resume onto a few job boards and that strategic rather than purely tactical moves are key.ā€

Entry-Level Job Search Tips

William Frierson, Writer, A concise list of best practices for anyone looking for his first job.

4 Guerilla Job Search Tips

Kevin Donlin, Job Search Expert: How to take a more radical approach to getting noticed by employers.


The #1 networking tool during hard times

Tim Tyrell-Smith, Marketing Executive: ā€œThe #1 way to network in job search is to help others. The post talks about the permanent value of helping others while providing a free downloadable spreadsheet called ā€œThe Watchlystā€ to get them started.ā€

Being Connected Trumps Being Exceptional In the Working World

Miriam Salpeter, Founder of Keppie Careers: ā€œI wrote ā€œBeing Connected Trumps Being Exceptional in the Working Worldā€ to remind job seekers and careerists that successful people are willing to give without expecting anything in return. Successful relationships (in life and in business) donā€™t keep score; each partner contributes. If you intentionally broaden your circle of influence and consciously and generously add value to others by introducing them to contacts in your circle, you open the door to untold numbers of opportunities.ā€

37 Ideas to Grow Your Job Search Network Right Now

Jacob Share, Job Search Expert: ā€œNo matter how old you are, no matter how much work experience you have or what youā€™ve achieved in your career, having a good network can result in finding a new job faster than anything else. I knew this post would help many people and it was fun brain-dumping so many useful ideas into one article.ā€

Layoffs & Unemployment

8 Steps To Recover From the Laid Off Blues

Rita Ashley, Job Search Coach: Lay-off is such an ugly concept. Suggestions to help get past the ordeal and get on with your new beginning.

How I Won the War on Unemployment

Peter Aldin, Life Coach: ā€œHereā€™s 3 of the tactics that enabled me to win that war by the middle of 2005ā€¦ā€

Losing your job

Michael Specht, HR Technologist: ā€œMore and more people are starting to talk not about if, but when, people will start losing their jobs due to the down turn in the economies. Here are some tips on what to do when you lose your job.ā€

I lost my job, now what?

Joey, Creator of CareerAlley: ā€œThis is my favorite post because it deals with the stress of losing a job and the stages that an individual goes through.ā€

Social Media

The social network, labor-market and myself- Behavior guidelines (Hebrew)

Amir Nathan, JobWhisper CEO: A few behavioral and ethical guidelines that may assist each and every one of us in utilizing their activity within the social networks.

LinkedIn: Getting recommended

John Hyde, Marketer: ā€œI recently started a new blog about finding that next great job. The genesis of this blog was the fact that I was recently laid off and wanted to create a place to share information about how to survive a layoff and get a new job out of it. My best post so far might be this one.ā€

7 Secrets to Getting Your Next Job Using Social Media

Steven Snell, Social Media Expert: Between current economic conditions and the technological evolution of the Internet, the traditional approach most job seekers have taken in the past is no longer viable.

The Real Way to Get a Job Using Social Media Revealed

Dan Schawbel, Personal Branding Expert: The question everyone is asking right now, after hearing about the 1.9 million layoffs in the past year figure, is ā€œhow do I get a jobā€? This is the wrong question to ask yourself because it forces you to apply to positions that arenā€™t the best-fit for your personality, passions and possibly, expertise. You have to think more broadly!


Why Bother With a Day Job When You Want to Be an Entrepreneur?

Ryan Paugh, Co-Founder of ā€œThe reason I love Silvana is because sheā€™s not afraid to take risks in her blog posts. This post is all about taking risks. And when youā€™re an entrepreneur at heart, what the hell are you doing searching for a job anyway?ā€

Waiting Until Tomorrow To Pursue Change Is Not An Acceptable Option

Anthony McCune, Writer, The Lives and Times: ā€œThe two most important considerations in building a successful career are attitude and action.ā€

Gary Vaynerchuck on Authenticity

Louise Fletcher, President, Blue Sky Resumes: ā€œI like this post because it speaks to my main theme of authenticity.ā€


Six ways to make your resumƩ sparkle in 2009

Cassandra Jowett, TalentEgg: If updating and perfecting your resumĆ© isnā€™t one of your New Yearā€™s resolutions ā€“ make it one. You still have about a week until you get busy at school again. Now is a great time to make your resumĆ© sparkle!

ā€œSo, About This Gap in Your Resume ā€¦ā€

Rick Saia, CPRW: ā€œEveryone has a gap in his or her employment history (myself included), and many job seekers are sometimes at a loss for how to properly explain it in a job interview. This post explains how to address the gap if the hiring manager brings it up (chances are he or she will) so that you stay positive and on your message, and keep yourself in the running should you really want the job. We continue to receive comments nearly 10 months after posting.ā€


The Best Interview Advice Youā€™ll Ever Read

Lance Haun, HR Generalist: ā€œThere is a lot of complicated career advice out there. There are ā€œSeven steps to interview successā€, ā€œFive ways to improve your resumeā€, or ā€œFour steps to a killer cover letter.ā€ Instead of complicated steps, this post is very simple advice that you can apply to any career seeking activity.ā€

TMI: How to Talk Yourself Out of a Job

Brianna Raymond, Writer: ā€œThe tips here sound like common sense, but youā€™d be surprised how many job seekers simply divulge too much information in their interview. If job seekers are having a hard time getting a new job or are constantly going back to the drawing board after a bad interview, this is something theyā€™d want to take a look at ā€“ and avoid making these mistakes in the future.ā€

Dumbass Mistakes New Grads Make in Interviews

Julie Oā€™Malley, CPRW: ā€œAs I wrote this post, I kept wishing someone had told me this stuff years ago, because Iā€™m sure I committed most of these faux pas myself. And just for the record, dumbass interview mistakes are not limited to new grads!ā€

Job Hunting: 3 Tips for Successful Interviewing

Heather Eagar, Professional Resume Writer: the importance of being properly prepared and dressed for a job interview.


How & Where To Get Paid Freelance Work While Youā€™re Still A Design Student

Jacob Cass, Founder of Just Creative Design: As some of you may know I am a third year graphic design student and an active freelancer so I am going to share my tips on how and where to get freelance design jobs while you are still a graphic design student.

Graphic design jobs, how to find them online

Mirko Humbert, Graphic Designer: ā€œAn overview of ways to use the internet to find some freelance gigs for graphic and web designers.ā€

Elance Tips: Top 5 Projects You Should Run Away From

Alex Cristache, Managing Partner of QBKL Media: ā€œThis is a post from Adrian Diaconescuā€™s I chose it because instead of teaching what everyone else teaches you (how to land a job), it shows you what type of project and clients could ruin your work and cash flow, which is very important in maintaining a business as a freelancer.ā€



What To Do When You Get Bad Career Advice From Your Parentals

G.L. Hoffman, LinkUp CEO: ā€œI think this is one of my favorites because I hear this a lot from both sides, parents and kids. Both are quite sure THEY are right, parents in giving advice and kids in not accepting it.ā€

The Employable Web Designer

Vivien, Creator of InspirationBit: ā€œI think every web designer should read that article if he/she wants to stand out in the crowd and become a sought out professional.ā€

Resumes, Cover Letters, & Job Interviews

Jason Seiden, Author and Executive Coach: ā€œThe absolute bottom line on that magic trifecta of: cover letter, resume, and interview.ā€

Talking About Our Education

William Uranga, Tivoā€™s Director of Talent Acquisition: ā€œHow recruiters can and really need to get outside of the all-recruiting-all-the-time mindset.ā€

Explore Escape Routes from Corporate America

Robyn McMaster, Senior VP of the MITA Brain Based Center: Was your climb to management worth the effort? Many managers work ā€™round the clock to survive layoffs. Yet they may not be invested in their work, rarely feel any sense of achievement, and spend much time on reports and busywork.

Which Job Seekers Use the Web?

Andrew Rondeau, Management Expert: ā€œThis article is about which type of people use the web for job searching and was written by a Gallup expert.ā€

What to Look For in an Internship

Candice Arnold, An article with helpful hints from various professionals about how to find the right internship.


The Idiotā€™s Guide to Finding a Job in Israel

Benji Lovitt, Comedian: In some ways, finding a job in Israel is very much like anywhere else. Except for the whole job search part.

150 Funniest Resume Mistakes, Bloopers and Blunders Ever

Gershon Mendlovitz, Computer Technician: ā€œGives cute anecdotal accounts of resume bloopersā€¦ really very funny and honest.ā€

We have a winner!

The winner of this group writing projectā€™s prize as chosen by isā€¦ G.L. Hoffman.

Thanks to everyone for participating in the creation of such a terrific resource of job search tips.

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Jacob Share

Job Search Expert, Professional Blogger, Creative Thinker, Community Builder with a sense of humor. I like to help people.

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Jacob,
    What a great list of posts! Iā€™m looking forward to reading the ones I missed. Thanks for inviting me to join in!

  2. gl hoffman

    I won. I won? I won. Image of the little Wii guy at the end of the ski jumpā€¦

  3. Julie O'Malley, CPRW

    Congratulations, GL!

    And thanks, Jacob, for running this contest! I see some new blogs and bloggers I canā€™t wait to check out.

  4. Jacob Share

    Miriam, Julie- thanks again, and Iā€™m glad you were able to get your posts in.

    GL- I havenā€™t seen that Wii ad but it sounds funny. Congrats again.

  5. Cassandra Jowett

    Thanks for choosing my post on the blog, I really appreciate it!

  6. Pingback: Apple Recruiter

  7. Kate

    This is another remarkable resourceā€¦for its time.

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