Looking for some positive words to describe someone great, namely yourself? Here's a long list for you.

A classic move for a job interviewer is to ask if you could describe yourself in one word.
To help you prepare for that surprisingly challenging personality-testing job interview question, here's some positive adjective help that will also make you happy.
The good, better and best adjectives to “describe me”
Dilbert creator Scott Adams once asked his readers to pick one word to describe themselves.
Looking at the results, he made an interesting discovery. Scott is also a trained hypnotist, and according to him, quickly reading this powerful, positive personality adjectives list will make you happier.
And you know what?
It works!
Give it a try…
These are also good adjectives for a person you're writing about, such as when you need to describe someone in a LinkedIn recommendation.
Free bonus: The One Job Interview Resource You’ll Ever Need is a handy reference to help you prepare for any kind of job interview. Download it free now
- adept
- agreeable
- alert
- alluring
- amazing
- ambitious
- amusing
- attentive
- awesome
- boundless
- brave
- bright
- calm
- capable
- charming
- cheerful
- clever
- coherent
- comfortable
- confident
- conscientious
- considerate
- consistent
- cooperative
- courageous
- creative
- credible
- cultured
- dashing
- dazzling
- debonair
- decisive
- decorous
- delightful
- detailed
- determined
- diligent
- discerning
- discreet
- dynamic
- eager
- eclectic
- efficient
- elated
- eminent
- enchanting
- encouraging
- endurable
- energetic
- enterprising
- entertaining
- enthusiastic
- excellent
- excited
- exclusive
- exuberant
- fabulous
- fair
- faithful
- fantastic
- fearless
- fine
- frank
- friendly
- funny
- generous
- gentle
- glorious
- good
- groundbreaking
- happy
- hard-working
- harmonious
- helpful
- hilarious
- honorable
- impartial
- ingenious
- insightful
- inventive
- industrious
- inscrutable
- instinctive
- jolly
- joyous
- kind
- kind-hearted
- knowledgeable
- level
- likeable
- lively
- logical
- lovely
- loving
- loyal
- lucky
- mature
- meticulous
- modern
- multi-talented
- nice
- obedient
- optimistic
- organized
- painstaking
- peaceful
- perceptive
- perfect
- persistent
- placid
- plausible
- pleasant
- plucky
- productive
- professional
- protective
- proud
- punctual
- quiet
- receptive
- reflective
- reliable
- relieved
- resolute
- responsible
- rhetorical
- righteous
- robust
- romantic
- sedate
- seemly
- selective
- self-assured
- sensitive
- sharp
- shrewd
- silly
- sincere
- skillful
- smart
- smiling
- sophisticated
- splendid
- steadfast
- stimulating
- strategic
- studious
- successful
- succinct
- talented
- thoughtful
- thrifty
- tough
- trustworthy
- unbiased
- unprecedented
- unusual
- upbeat
- vigorous
- vivacious
- warm
- willing
- wise
- witty
- wonderful
Feel better?
Good 👍
However, if you're now tempted to go off with this list and rewrite your resume, adding in as many positive, empowering adjectives as you can, please don't. Adjectives come across as fluff in a resume.
Instead, use action verbs instead to give your resume more punch.
Question of the article
What's your choice for “best word to describe myself” and why? Think how you would justify your response in an interview, and tell us in the comments.
Free BonusIf you want a handy job interview resource that you can keep on your smartphone or print out for easy reference, I’ve got a special bonus for you.
This free download contains:- 165 positive personality adjectives to describe yourself
- 444 of the most popular job interviewer questions to prepare yourself with
- 175 questions that you can ask in job interviews to make a good impression and learn about your future employer

JobMob Insiders can get this free bonus and other exclusive content in the JobMob Insider Bonuses area. Join now, it's free!
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Pingback: 130 Positive Personality Adjectives (Dilbert) « Objective: First Certificate (FCE)
hi Jacob,
I think your site can be a great resource for most of my students…you know there’s always a lesson focused on jobs. I’ll definitely use it in my classes.
Glad to hear it Elena. If there’s any specific topic you’d like me to cover more in depth, please tell me.
Are you able to give your expertise on resumes?
Sure. What’s your question?
Pingback: Top Posts of April 2008 | JobMob
thank u so much my 9th granders needed a vocab check so this site really helped them out wit word choices!!!
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Interesting to see that just adjectives can give you so many ideas to describe yourself. Nice one! I like this!
.-= John Berg´s last blog ..Common and Uncommon Interview Question and Answers =-.
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make a lits about the adjetives for desenbiengl people and things
Pingback: Philip Miles
this site is strange and weird did not help me in my job interview they thought i was to always trying to be perfect
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hi! this is really helpful! yeah, its me. Ariana. not a poser:]
Yea. This is good. But what the hell has hypnotism got to do with this?! This isn’t hypnotism, this is simply positive/good/happy things – of course it’d make you feel a bit beter reading the list — good things make you feel better and this list would also probably make you think of a few positive things which will also make you feel better. All good and valid, just don’t tarnish it by calling hypnotism. please.
Glenn- Talk to Scott Adams, he’s the hypnotist.
Fair enough!
Pingback: Can You Describe Yourself in One Word? | JobMob
you should also do negative words!!!!
Nice article, Although, I wish you posted these adjective with their meaning. Thanks 🙂
i want adjectives with their meanings and use in sentences
I agree with Hina because then English teachers can use the post as a teaching text.
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This did not help me with my interview. They called the cops on me and said i was weird. I then yelled the positive words at the boss, but that did not help either. This site is a sham! Don’t yell the words does not work.
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I really like these adjetives
Jacob — about a week or so ago I published this on a veteran LI group; I guess great minds think alike 🙂
ADJECTIVE: a word or phrase naming an attribute, or modifying a noun, such as a bright blue flower (as opposed to a blue flower), or, a highly-skilled extremely-successful well-respected leader (as opposed to a manager). Adjectives are our enemies. Adjectives need to be eliminated from our LinkedIn profiles and resumes. Adjectives such as the following MUST DIE:
A challenging and rewarding
A proven history of working in the ____ industry
Dynamic leader
Highly-effective communicator
Dedicated leader / leadership
Servant leader
Seasoned / Seasoned professional
Highly-accomplished / -motivated / -successful / -experienced
Organized and creative professional
Motivated self-starter
Determined, Hard-working, Diligent, Trustworthy, Team player, Motivated, Reliable
And so, so many more….
Highly-effective communication, Chris. I like it 👍
Just posted a massive update to this list, adding in another 35 adjectives and a new bonus tip 🚀💯
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