These were the most-read articles on JobMob during the month of September 2007 according to Google Analytics:
18620 Reads – 50 Funniest Short Job Descriptions Ever
Over on the Dilbert Blog, Scott Adams gave his readers an assignment: “describe your own job in one sentence, preferably in a humorously derogatory way.” Here are the best replies from among the hundreds, with the top 10 at the end.
966 Reads – Funniest Strangest Job Titles Ever
If all recruiters followed the solid, classic rules of job advertisement writing, you would only see the same job titles over and over when scanning job listings. Too often, hiring staff will only get creative when it comes to glossing over job description details that might otherwise repel candidates. However, there are times when the actual job name is remarkable enough on its own and clearly needs no embellishment.
361 Views – Top 10 Best Job Ads of the World
You can probably think of a half-dozen ads that you’ll never forget. Like a terrific resume stays lodged in the mind of a recruiter, a great ad can make a company and its brand. Warning: you may want to close your door so that no one else hears you laughing out loud…
323 Reads – gotfriends? Increases the Payout
SQLink Group's gotfriends? job referral program is growing in size and in shekels. After hitech openings, they have now branched into finance-oriented positions. GotFriends Finance is the name of the recruitment company managing this new program and they want to pay for your leads.
300 Reads – Top 10 Funniest Job Horror Stories
Passover is the celebration of the Israelites’ deliverance from the hands of their ancient Egyptian taskmasters. Although Jacob Richman’s 2007 Salary Survey Results showed that 92% of Israeli hitech workers are satisfied with their jobs, many people elsewhere feel that they too could use an exodus of their own and if not that, perhaps a plague or ten for their bosses and cohorts. In the spirit of the holiday, here are the Top 10 Funniest Job Horror Stories.
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