How to survive while between jobs and keep busy the right way.

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Photo by 鷐 癜

Know this: the situation you are now in is not permanent.

You will not remain in the unemployment phase indefinitely.

You are simply between jobs and while hunting, here are things you can do to stay positive and proactive while waiting to get your job offer.

This is a guest post by Blessy Vaidian.

Great ideas of what to do when you're in between jobs

1. Join a job search group

The job search can be overwhelming. There are others out there feeling the same things you are.

Meeting once a week in a job search club can keep you from getting depressed, help you set goals, and can be a great way to learn new job search strategies. You can also get personal feedback from the facilitator on your cover letter and resume, and where to take your job search.

2. Volunteer

You would be surprised at how many volunteer positions lead to a job.

And even if they don’t, they lead to contacts that might be able to refer you to someone with an opportunity.

Why not get out of the house at least 2x a week and offer your services in a hospital, school, or library? You can even volunteer at campaign headquarters for the political candidate of your choice or for your favorite non-profit agency.

3. Watch someone in your ideal job

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I am not saying stalk anyone, but it makes sense to watch people in action.

If you want to be legal council for a corporation, go to a few public trials. If you want to be a writer, attend book signings at the local bookstore.

This costs nothing and it can keep you motivated and excited about the career you chose. And do not plan on leaving the event before at least making one positive comment to the individual that impressed you.

Conversations can go a long way if you are willing to take the risk.

4. Network in person

Now is not the time to shut your self off from society, but just the opposite.

Join a meet-up group related to your field, go to events or conferences in your profession. Most of the jobs out there are not found in the newspaper or by blindly sending out resumes; but by networking!

Always try to look your best, and have your resume ready at any social event you go to from now on. Introduce yourself and start connecting with people in person.

Have you been to a local networking event in the past month?

5. Master social media for networking

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It’s amazing how Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn have changed the job search arena. If you are not on these websites, you need to create a profile. If you are on these websites already you need be careful of the image you have created for yourself.

There is an art form to how to connect with contacts online and where to search for jobs on these networks. If used correctly, you are almost guaranteed to find a job.

6. Set up a few information interviews

If your friend’s father is working for a great company, or you remember someone from a party a while back that impressed you, try to arrange a meeting. Offer to pick up the tab and take them out for coffee or lunch, and simply say you want to learn about the company they work for of how they got started.

If they say no, you have nothing to lose. If they say yes, you never know what avenues open up.

But what if you're hesitant to reach out and ask for the information interview? You'll miss out on so many job opportunities. Instead, job search expert Jason Alba's new 6-week program will teach you how to overcome that hesitation and get comfortable using information interviews to find a new job asap.

7. Learn something new

Careers in virtually all academic disciplines are fostered by being a superstar who knows more about one subject than anyone else in the world, said Philip Zimbardo.

So now that you have all this extra time on your hand to read a few books related to your field, master that computer class you always wanted, or get the certification you know you need to make your resume stand out. Learn a new skill with a free Udemy course.

Get yourself and your resume more marketable.

8. Re-evaluate who you are and what you want

E.E. Cummings said, “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” But do you know who you are?

Job seekers can emerge from unemployment more focused and in sync with what they really want and need. Being between jobs is the perfect time to reassess your path. If you felt you were going in the wrong direction, now is the time to get on a more fulfilling road.

Did you have a job in finance but want to try something different? Have you been considering going to graduate school to advance your career?

A career counselor can help walk you through the job search process, offer assessment tests of what jobs best fit your personality, or can help you answer any of those difficult questions.

9. Do something you always wanted to do

While waiting for your next job, remember to enjoy life. You might not get the luxury of having this much free time again. Use that to your advantage and do the fun creative things you have always wanted to do. This lull could be the perfect opportunity to complete a personal endeavor you have been putting off.

Have you always wanted to start your own business? An entrepreneurial assessment report from a career counselor will tell you if you have what it takes to do that. Now is the time to do the things you always wanted to do and explore possibilities.

10. Stay positive

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How we define the situations we are placed in determines our action and how we are going to work towards the outcome we desire. Action is a positive force. Hopefully you have a friend, group, or family member that helps you stay optimistic in your job search. If you do not stay positive you will not be motivated to take the necessary steps to find the right job.

I am a strong believer that people create a certain energy in their job search process.

When people ask you, “what do you do?” You can smile and say that you are between jobs. That comes from a sense of confidence in your self, your resume and in the image you created for yourself.

In the end you will accomplish your goal of getting a job. But while you are between jobs, get up and stay motivated by following these steps.

What others are saying

11. Get your budget in order

From Natalia Lusinski's Best Things To Do When You're Between Jobs, According To Experts:

When you're between jobs, a very good motivator to start seriously job-hunting is your bank balance. The lower it gets without getting higher every week or two like it once did, the more you're reminded that, right, you need a new job! So what do you do with a decreasing bank balance? Budget.

While waiting for your next job, remember to enjoy life. You might not get the luxury of having this much free time again. Use that to your advantage and do the fun creative things you have always wanted to do. This lull could be the perfect opportunity to complete a personal endeavor you have been putting off.

Have you always wanted to start your own business? An entrepreneurial assessment report from a career counselor will tell you if you have what it takes to do that. Now is the time to do the things you always wanted to do and explore possibilities.

12. Freelance

From Alison Doyle's 7 Things You Can Do Now to Make Money When You’re In Between Jobs:

It’s very possible that you have skills that you can leverage as a freelancer. There is ample opportunity to make money online as a freelancer, and you can find everything from entry-level gigs anyone can do to corporate consulting work.

Here's more on why you should freelance between jobs, and a great place to start is with đŸ’” Top 85+ Popular Freelance Marketplaces Online.

13. Get a temp job

Temp jobs are good in between jobs as a way to keep your spirits up and stay productive while earning some income, but did you know there are actually 🌜 15 Savvy Reasons To Temp Between Jobs?

Yet more expert advice:

Question of the article

What's the most effective thing you've done between jobs? Tell us in the comments.

Bonus: 8 Ways to Stay Afloat While Between Jobs

About the author
bless vaidian portrait
Blessy Vaidian promotes the idea that a successful career comes from knowing who you are and what makes you happy. Follow her on Twitter @BlessCareers.

This article was part of the Over $5000 in Prizes: The 5th Annual JobMob Guest Blogging Contest, which was made possible thanks in large part to our sponsors:

JOBlog Marcus Tandler’s JOBlog is Germany’s oldest blog about job search & careers.
Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg is an internationally acclaimed advisor to successful business owners, known for his small business ideas.

READ NEXT: 10 Sure-fire Ways to Boost Your Job Search

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Jacob Share

Job Search Expert, Professional Blogger, Creative Thinker, Community Builder with a sense of humor. I like to help people.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Bless

    lot of people are telling me they can’t find the ‘share’ button–its on left side in yellow-bar–click and also email your friends–thanks!

  2. Joel

    Very nice Bless, thanks for sharing this

  3. Jack

    Point 5 is most important thing. Professional networking is very important. If you are not on linkedIn you will miss crucial opportunities. very informative article blessy. n1

  4. Nobin

    great article! has a lot of detailed information and well written!

  5. Renato Frison

    Good luck to all searching for jobs. Here is a good start.

  6. Pingback: Job Search in a Nutshell: The 3 Must-Do’s

  7. Kate

    But what about catching up on really good TV?

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