My biggest cash prize yet, and much, much more. The fun starts NOW.

Blogger's Dilemma

This 5th edition of the biggest job search guest blogging contest in the world has over twice as much in prizes as last year.

There are ONLY 25 10 no more guest blogging slots available. Look forward to next year!

In this official announcement, you'll find:

  1. Main contest prizes
  2. How to WIN the contest
  3. Most shared article prizes ā€“ a first!
  4. How to enter the contest
  5. Contest calendar

Take your time to carefully read this announcement. There's a lot of information and many prizes, you don't want to miss a thing.

Hereā€¦ weā€¦ goā€¦

Main contest prizes

Thank you to our Gold Sponsor: Marcus Tandler and JOBlog

JOBlogMarcus Tandler's JOBlog is Germany's oldest blog about job search & careers. For its 6th anniversary (!) the JOBlog is proudly sponsoring JobMob's guest blogging contest.

The grand prize winner will win:

Over $2600 in prizes.

Everything you need to take your blogging to a whole new level.

  • US$250. Sponsored by Marcus Tandler and JOBlog.
  • 1 hour of business consulting. Sponsored by Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg, a US$360 value
  • 4-hour video of Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg's Marketing Secrets Seminar. Sponsored by Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg, a US$200 value
  • 1 year PRO membership of Sponsored by Ann Smarty and, a US$200 value
  • Premium blog setup and design services. Sponsored by Kiesha Easley and, a US$600 value
  • 1 year of premium website hosting + cPanel + $75 Google Adwords coupon, sponsored by, a US$881 value
  • Interviewed on The Recruiting Animal Show. Sponsored by Recruiting Animal.
  • Access to Jason Alba's paid webinar ā€œBlog Marketing 201-501ā€. Sponsored by Jason Alba, a US$100 value.
  • A copy of Jason Alba's upcoming book ā€œ8 Lunchesā€. Sponsored by Jason Alba.
  • One premium WordPress theme. Sponsored by Keller Hawthorne and Simply Fresh Themes, a US$40 value

Thank you to our Gold Sponsor: Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg

Rabbi Issamar GinzbergIn case you've been living in a cave for the past several years, Rabbi Issamar is an internationally acclaimed advisor to successful business owners, and a winner of Inc. Magazine's prestigious ā€œEntrepreneur of the Yearā€ award. Three lucky winners will each receive a full hour of time with Rabbi Issamar to discuss their future, vision, and obtain clarity of goals- and get a game plan for how to get there!

The second grand prize winner will win:

Almost $1000 in prizes.

  • US$150. Sponsored by Marcus Tandler and JOBlog.
  • 1 hour of business consulting. Sponsored by Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg, a US$360 value
  • 4-hour video of Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg's Marketing Secrets Seminar. Sponsored by Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg, a US$200 value
  • 1 year PRO membership of Sponsored by Ann Smarty and, a US$200 value
  • One premium WordPress theme. Sponsored by Keller Hawthorne and Simply Fresh Themes, a US$40 value

Thank you to our Silver Sponsor: Kiesha Easley and

WeBlogBetterKiesha Easley is the owner of, a blog devoted to offering blogging tips. She is a freelance writer, copy-editor, and blog consultant for small business owners. She's just recently released, Be a Blessing: 77 Ways to Bless Others, a book that encourages everyone to consider practical ways to help others. Connect with her on Twitter @weblogbetter.

The third grand prize winner will win:

$850 in prizes.

  • US$50. Sponsored by Marcus Tandler and JOBlog.
  • 1 hour of business consulting. Sponsored by Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg, a US$360 value
  • 4-hour video of Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg's Marketing Secrets Seminar. Sponsored by Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg, a US$200 value
  • 1 year PRO membership of Sponsored by Ann Smarty and, a US$200 value
  • One premium WordPress theme. Sponsored by Keller Hawthorne and Simply Fresh Themes, a US$40 value

Thank you to our Silver Sponsor:

WebHostingBuzzWebHostingBuzz is a reliable web hosting company based in MA, USA. WebHostingBuzz serves 25,000 clients from around the world. With a reputation for reliable, fast web hosting backed by excellent customer support, WebHostingBuzz is an ideal choice for webmasters looking for web hosting, reseller hosting or vps hosting. WebHostingBuzz offers a 30 day money back guarantee for itā€™s hosting services and also has a generous web hosting affiliate program.

The early bird prize winner will win:

  • US$50. Sponsored by Ann Smarty and

A second early bird prize

  • US$50. Sponsored by

The winners will be chosen at random from all the contest submissions received before Monday August 1st, 2011.

Thank you to our Silver Sponsor:

MyBlogGuestMyBlogGuest is the free platform which bloggers join to easier find each other and exchange guest posts. The most popular feature inside is the Articles Gallery where you can upload an article for blog owners to come to review it and make their offers. Here's a quick video intro made by one of our members.

Announcing the Judges' Choice prize

  • US$100. Sponsored by

The Judges' Choice prize will be the overall favorite guest post as voted by the contest judges (who will be announced later), regardless of how well the guest post performed in competition for the other prizes.

The idea behind this prize is that sometimes the contest has great posts that for whatever reason don't perform well, and this is a way one of them can still get some recognition.

Thank you to our Silver Sponsor:

HireAHelperHireAHelper helps people compare and hire movers. Entering a US zip code and your move date pulls up a list of local movers, final pricing from each company, and honest reviews from past customers ā€“ unedited, positive AND negative. So, throw your phone book out (I mean really, what moving company would give you positive & negative references about themselves?) and do all your moving research and hiring in one place:

Every participant will win:

  • A copy of the latest edition of the Personal Branding Magazine. Sponsored by Dan Schawbel.

How to WIN the contest

Simple: drive as much traffic as possible i.e. get as many people as you can to visit your guest post when it's in competition.

Here's how the contest works:

Once your guest post is accepted as an entry, youā€™ll receive an email telling you exactly when your guest post will enter the contest and to compete for visitors.

After each guest post appears on JobMob, it will enter the Contest Rankings.

The Contest Rankings are determined by the number of unique visitors to your guest post during the 7 days after the post was published on JobMob.

That page will be updated frequently during the contest, and notification of those updates will be published on the JobMob Facebook page.

The grand prize winnerā€¦

ā€¦is the author of the guest post appearing at the top of the Contest Rankings at the end of the contest, with the other grand prize winners decided based on their guest posts' rankings.

In case of a tie, the winner is the writer of the guest post with the most comments/trackbacks, Facebook shares and Twitter retweets (in that order), so encourage your friends to link to your post and share it as well.

Thank you to our Silver Sponsor:

getafreelancer freelance marketplace is the world's largest outsourcing site with over 2.6 million registered professionals from over 234 different countries and territories. Through our website, you can hire freelancers to do work in areas such as software, writing, data entry and design right through to engineering and the sciences, sales and marketing, and accounting & legal services. The average job is under US$200, making outsourcing for the first time extremely cost effective for small businesses. Simply post your first project for free and watch all the freelancers bid to do your work.

Winning advice

Here are some traffic tips on how to attract maximum visitors to your entry.

One hint: use social media. Tweet about your guest post, Like it on Facebook, email it to your contacts, friends and family.

If you have a blog, linking to your own guest post is fine.

Most shared article prizes ā€“ a first!

Thank you to our Bronze Sponsor: Jason Alba and JibberJobber

JibberJobber logoā€œSo what is JibberJobber? Is it a job search tool? Is it a networking tool? It is more like a personal relationship manager that allows you to do everything you need to do to manage a job search and optimize your network relationships ā€“ for the duration of your career!ā€

In addition to the main prizes given out according to the unique visitor counts of the Contest Rankings page, there are also prizes for the most shared articles.

This year's Contest Rankings will also show the share counts accumulated for each article during its 7-day run.

The numbers will be taken from the sharebar that you see floating to the left of every article on JobMob and at the end of the contest, prizes will be given out for the most shares of each kind:

Most Retweeted Article

  • US$50. Sponsored by

Most Liked Article

  • US$50. Sponsored by

Most +1'd Article

  • US$50. Sponsored by

Most Emailed Article

  • US$50. Sponsored by

Thank you to our Bronze Sponsor: Dan Schawbel

The Personal Branding Blog logo Dan Schawbel is the Managing Partner of Millennial Branding LLC, is a world renowned personal branding expert. He is the international bestselling author of Me 2.0, and the publisher of the Personal Branding Blog.

Other notes about the prizes:

  • Prize money will be paid in any currency supported by Paypal, using the exchange rate of the day itā€™s awarded. Paypal is the only way prizes will be paid outside of Israel (get a PayPal account here if you donā€™t have one).
  • Additional prizes may be announced over the coming weeks. If youā€™d like to sponsor the contest, please follow these instructions.

Thank you to our Bronze Sponsor: Recruiting Animal

Recruiting AnimalAnimal is the host of a rowdy online call-in show about recruiting and careers. In April 2006, he founded the Recruiting Animal blog, then, in March 2007, he started The Recruiting Animal Show, the only online call-in show about recruiting in world history.

How to enter ā€“ Easy!

  1. Write a new blog post for JobMob on a topic related to job search. Follow our guest post guidelines, which also explain how to submit your entry.
  2. Like the JobMob Facebook Page to be notified of Contest Rankings updates and other contest news.
  3. There is NO DEADLINE for submissions but there are only 25 blogging slots available, so ACT FAST to be included. They will go quicker than you think.

Thank you to our Bronze Sponsor: Keller Hawthorne and Simply Fresh Themes

Simply Fresh Themes ā€œI, Keller Hawthorne (blogger, web designer, e-commerce store owner and WordPress fanatic), design Premium WordPress themes that can easily transform your WordPress install into a modern day website. With powerful theme options, you can customize the color, look and feel of your theme with just one click! Take control of your website with WordPress and Simply Fresh Themes.ā€

Besides the need to follow our guidelines, here are some additional rules:

  • The contest is open to anyone over the age of 18.
  • You donā€™t need a blog to enter.
  • For your own benefit, do not republish your entry on another blog (such as your own blog, if you have one) before the contest is over. You may do so after the contest as long as you credit your entry on JobMob by linking back to it.
  • Submit ONLY ONE guest post as an entry.
  • NO RESERVATIONS, so please donā€™t email me to hold one of the 25 slots for you, but by all means email me for anything else šŸ™‚
  • I reserve the right to not publish any entry without justification, especially if it doesnā€™t conform to our rules & guidelines, but it rarely happens.

Thank you to our new Bronze Sponsor: Joshua Waldman of CareerEnlightenment

Job searching with social media for dummies

Joshua Waldman helps frustrated job seekers leverage social media to find work FAST! He is the founder of and the author of the new book, Job Searching with Social Media for Dummies. Sign-up for his newsletter today and get access to his exclusive training videos for free.

Announcing the Bonus participant prizes

10 randomly-chosen contestants will each win a free copy of Job Searching with Social Media for Dummies. However, only contestants that haven't won any other contest prize will be eligible for these.

Contest calendar

  • August 1st 2011 ā€“ first guest post appears on JobMob, early bird prize winners announced
  • September 12th 2011 ā€“ the last possible day that a guest post will appear on JobMob, and the Contest Rankings page will no longer be updated until the end of the contest.
  • September 21st 2011 ā€“ official announcement of the grand prize winners and most shared article prize winners


Use the articles under the pink Best Of tab here on JobMob for inspiration. Otherwise, you can write about:

  • Job search success stories (anywhere in the world!)
  • Unusual job search experiences
  • Your opinion on a specific job search-related topic
  • Your most-liked/least-liked job search tools, websites, etc.

Good luck

Remember- there are a VERY LIMITED number of blogging slots available ā€“ as you can see in the sidebar ā€“ and there are 2 early bird prizes, so get your entry in as soon as possible!

This year's contest is full. See you next summerā€¦

Subscribe to JobMob via RSS or email and follow me on Twitter for the biggest contests bringing you the best job search ideas.

Jacob Share

Job Search Expert, Professional Blogger, Creative Thinker, Community Builder with a sense of humor. I like to help people.

This Post Has 29 Comments

  1. Kate

    OK. Iā€™m in, as usual. I hope this contest is as successful as ever Jacob.

  2. Kate

    Wow. I got some great ā€œthanks for participatingā€ prizes last year. This year, though, Iā€™m going to really try and get the good stuff.

  3. suresh k.c.

    iam nepali i want in work in isiral iam accountant fild exprences in 7 year exprences i want work in isiral plase. sagase me and halp me thank you

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