Ignore what Human Resources wants and they won't want you.
This is a guest post by Bless Vaidian.
Knowledge is power.
The only way to maneuver through this job market is by listening to the voice of hiring professionals.
I love my job at Pace University, which has brought about collaboration with hiring managers and recruiters. They offer feedback when I place interns or post company vacancies. I also have access to their remarks at career fairs, workshops, and HR events.
These are the 5 comment categories I hear most often, and I hope they help you in your job search:
1) “Don’t scare me with your social media posts”
Use social media to create a positive personal brand, not to frighten employers.
It costs a company thousands to hire the wrong candidate. So what you are saying online through your pictures, Likes and posts are being analyzed. Clean up your digital dirt before you apply to a position. Employers are putting your name in search engines to see what they find. Successful job seekers know to treat their social media posts like they would a PR campaign.
2) “This is not a meeting at a friend’s house”
Too many people are showing up for an interview or going to career fairs in everything other than a suit.
Even if the employer’s corporate culture is laid-back, an interviewee is expected to dress in a business suit. It takes only a few seconds to be judged visually and dismissed because you did not follow that simple rule. Even if your interviewer is in jeans, you should not be. You have one chance to make a professional and positive impression, so make it a good one.
3) “At least pretend to be interested”
Recruiters will hire those that have knowledge of their organization, and that show a sincere interest.
If you don’t prepare, the job will go to someone that did. If you are showing up for an interview without doing research, it sends up a red flag that you could care less. Ask the right questions, showcase your industry and company knowledge, and display your enthusiasm by engaging in the interview like you would a competition.
4) “For goodness-sake, please be decent”
In the world of HR, nice people do come out on top.
Always send a personalized thank you note after an interview. Following up is an expected civility, but there is another basic rule of etiquette you shouldn’t ignore during the interview process. Never be rude or dismiss anyone you meet because they could play a key role in you getting hired. Always engage everyone you encounter the day of the interview with a smile and relevant conversation.
5) “You are not going to get a call from me”
If your resume did not match the keywords in the job description, did not pass the ATS software screening, had errors, or was thought to not be a fit for the company’s goals; you will never get a call.
If you had a great resume that you think should have made the cut, the position simply may have been filled by an internal candidate or even by a referral. Inquire once, and then move on. Stalking HR reps will never land you a job. Some even advertise that you not even try.
Don’t take silence personally. Instead invest your time in expanding your network and finding out about opportunities before they are posted.
I have worked with recruiters and human resource professionals for over 10 years and have firsthand access to feedback from various recruitment settings. Use this information to understand the hiring process and land your next job.
About the Author
Bless Vaidian was one of the grand prize winners for the last two JobMob Guest Blogging Contests. She currently works in the Career Services Department of Pace University. Thanks to the prizes she won from these contests, she started Career Transitions Guide. Join her network on Twitter @BlessCareers and the Career Transitions Guide Facebook page.
This article was part of the The $10000 7th Annual JobMob Guest Blogging Contest.
READ NOW: 11 Questions with Executive Recruiter Tahl Wilson of Quest-HR.
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Thank you so much for helping me share this article with your network via email, Facebook. linkedin, twitter…I really appreciate all you have done for me with this contest over the years. http://jobmob.co.il/blog/hr-musts/
It looks like things have changed a lot since I read the last round of job search advice. Last time, sending thank you notes was considered desperate, but now they are back in fashion. Always good to know.
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Well Bless, it looks like you’ve done it again. How many years in a row have you won this competition now? I am in awe of your fantastic marketing skills. Can you send your readers to my book at http://www.katebaggott.com ?
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