These were some of the most-read articles on JobMob during the month of October 2007 according to Google Analytics:
From the JobMob archives- Top 10 Funniest Job Horror Stories
Passover is the celebration of the Israelites' deliverance from the hands of their ancient Egyptian taskmasters. Although Jacob Richman's 2007 Salary Survey Results showed that 92% of Israeli hitech workers are satisfied with their jobs, many people elsewhere feel that they too could use an exodus of their own and if not that, perhaps a plague or ten for their bosses and cohorts.
The Obnoxious Guide to Environmentally-Safe Job Hunting
October 15th 2007 was Blog Action Day 2007. This year, thousands of bloggers raised other people's awareness about the Environment. You can do your part too.
32 Time Tweaking Tips and 1 Funny One
Inspiration Bit's recent group writing project yielded a long list of ideas for managing your precious time.
35+ Job Fair Success Do's and Don'ts
Job fairs can be a great way to jumpstart your job search if you know how to take advantage of everything they have to offer. Here's a list of what to do and what to avoid.
Upcoming Job Fair in Jerusalem for Young Adults
Merkaz Hamagshimim-Hadassah is putting on a job fair. If you'll be in the Jerusalem area on October 18th 2007, you'll probably want to be there.
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