Using the emotion of a beautiful resume will always help recruiters and managers remember you. Get inspired now with these great resume ideas.

38 More Beautiful Resume Ideas That Work
Photo Credit: Landin Hollis

Bookmark this article for handy reference later when it's time to update your own resume.

Resume designs too beautiful to miss

Justin Page beautiful resume Montia Garcia beautiful resume
Scott Tiger beautiful resume Geoffrey Adler beautiful resume
Anthony Clarkson beautiful resume Landon Armstrong beautiful resume
Jordan Green beautiful resume Veronica Andujar beautiful resume
Nicholas Shifflett beautiful resume Carly Eide beautiful resume
Martin Schwarzwald beautiful resume Michael Musgjerd beautiful resume
Hammad Sheikh beautiful resume Steven Gandia beautiful resume
Jason Scott beautiful resume Clarisse Ceralde beautiful resume
Jolyon Meldrum beautiful resume Benjamin Taylor beautiful resume
Chris Miller beautiful resume Jeannine Bowler beautiful resume
Doug Dodasovich beautiful resume Cady Hill beautiful resume
Jacky Galza beautiful resume James Lashmar beautiful resume
Jeremie Eskinazi beautiful resume Joe Hickman beautiful resume
Emske modern resume template design Ad for
Glen Shaw beautiful resume Kate Renner beautiful resume
Michael Sanz beautiful resume Alexis Rivera beautiful resume
Steve McKinney beautiful resume Arty Resume
Rick Herzog beautiful resume Brian Mayzure beautiful resume
Tudor Deleanu beautiful resume Ad for

Funky bonus designer resume

Greg Dizzia beautiful resume

For data visualization lovers like myself, this resume is too cool but you almost need a college degree (or years of video games) just to understand it. If you took off the bold title, it looks like it could hang in a statistics class without anyone noticing anything unusual.

If you enjoyed this article, you'll also like The 25 Most Creative Designer Resumes You’ll See This Year.

Looking to spruce up your resume? Subscribe to JobMob via RSS or email and follow me on Twitter for outstanding resume inspiration.

Jacob Share

Job Search Expert, Professional Blogger, Creative Thinker, Community Builder with a sense of humor. I like to help people.

This Post Has 114 Comments

  1. Pingback: 38 More Beautiful Resume Ideas That Work |

  2. iYiZ

    great designs for CV’s, like a da vinci 😀

  3. solipsist

    Maybe if you’re applying for a design job, but almost anyone else’s list of job-hunting tips will tell you to AVOID needlessly ornate resumes.

  4. fathersez

    Hi, Jacob.

    My daughters used some of the ideas in your earlier post on resumes and have just secured their first jobs.

    This post will have to be bookmarked for the time they want to try greener pastures.

    Best regards

  5. Yehiel

    Do you think that Israeli recruiters appreciate such graphical resumes?

  6. Jacob Share

    fathersez – that’s terrific news, I appreciate you coming by to share it.

    Yehiel – unfortunately, I don’t have any specific stories to share about using such a graphical resume in Israel. The resume I used on my last job search 2 years ago was not graphical like most of these beauties although it was designed by a designer friend. However, I’m quite certain that Israeli recruiters would react just like their e.g. English-speaking counterparts; some will appreciate, some won’t.

    The advantage in Israel is that because using such resumes is uncommon, it only increase the memorability of the person who attempts it.

    The context is also important. For example, for a managerial position, a less-graphic designer resume would still strike a very professional impression, such as Jordan Green’s here above or Christopher Mcadams’ from 36 Beautiful Resume Ideas That Work. In those cases, the design is intended to emphasize the content while framing it in a memorable way, which will emphasize it even more. Some of the other resumes here are more intended for graphic designers to show what they’re capable of.

  7. Sally Shiff

    It actually depends on the type of job you are looking for. The only time I ever saw a large amount of graphical resumes is when I was looking for a graphic designer. And there it was somewhat important. I have never seen one here in Israel, and I remember my collegues here mentioning that it is not necessary (“and looks very American”)
    My suggestion/recommndation is to let your content speak for you. Use resumes that are very short and to the point. Also, add a little bio about each company you have worked for when you worked outside Israel. That way the recruiter knows about the company.

  8. Rebecca

    Where do you find these? Good picks – they’re really nice!

  9. Greig

    Having sifted through many resumes in the past I love some of these and I’m not so keen on others. And that’s the issue – it’s personal opinion.

    Having said that there are some good examples on how to tidy up a traditional resume format and stand out. The one by Jordan Green (4th down on the left) is a great example of this and very clean.

    It’s important to not lose the information for the sake of design as the one by Hammid does (7th down on the left)

    As the for bonus one. I think the concept is great and it’s a big leap in presenting the information but it’s way too complicated to understand.

    Great post and a nice round-up of some impressive designs.

  10. Jacob Share

    Sally- Thanks for joining the discussion. I like your tip about bios for foreign companies. I usually include a one line description with a link to the company’s website.

    Rebecca- I’m always bookmarking stuff as I build posts for later. Many of these came from DeviantArt, a truly great site for artists to strut their stuff.

    Greig- Thanks for your compliments and insight. Jordan Green’s is a definite standout.

  11. Pingback: Ejemplos de curriculum que te pueden servir

  12. SueDonym

    As an HR Recruiter, those resumes would not impress me at all. The only kind of jobs that something so flashy should be used for would be some kind of artistic career like graphics. Give me SUBSTANCE, not flash.

  13. Tony

    Pretty, but as a manager I don’t want ‘pretty’ and I don’t have time to waste hunting through all the fluff to get the details I need.

    Talk about distracting…these would go directly to my outbox, out to the garbage. Of course I am not in graphic layout and don’t need a graphical layout artists, what were the skills again, I didn’t see them clearly.

  14. Pingback: Cowboy Caleb – 38 More Beautiful Resume Ideas That Work

  15. Pingback: Presenting your CV with style … | [EV +/-] Exposure Compensation

  16. bailey

    @ solipsist, SueDonym & Tony:

    If you weren’t such senile old farts, you might have noticed *gasp* that these resumes ARE for people applying to graphic design positions. You boring people are why I don’t work for any other industry.

  17. SueDonym


    Ah, the beauty of the internet… any idiot can lash out and bask in their anonymity.

    The headline reads:

    “Using the emotion of a beautiful resume will always help recruiters and managers remember you. Get inspired now with these great resume ideas.

    Bookmark this article for handy reference later when it’s time to update your own resume.”

    The headline does NOT read “Great Resumes for Graphic Artists!”

    As an HR Recruiter, I felt it was wise to give my input for someone NOT applying for an artistic position. If you want the input of professionals in HR in forums like these, who by the way, are the ones you have to get PAST to get that job, you may want to behave a bit more civilly.

    Somehow, I have the feeling that would be asking too much of you.

  18. Pingback: 38 Modelos de curriculums más para mejorar tus presentaciones | Mi

  19. Pingback: RecuWeb. Recursos y Curiosidades Web » Ejemplos de curriculum que te pueden servir

  20. Pingback: 74 Originales diseños para tu Currículum | Marcelo Vega

  21. Hekko

    OMG ! That is fantastic 🙂 I want the same CV 🙂

  22. Another Designer Chick

    Seriously? I’m a designer by trade and I wouldn’t want to hand over a ton of these to a future employer. Leave the flash in the portfolio.

  23. Pingback: Resumes as art work | The Job Search Strategist

  24. Pingback: 38 Beautiful Resume Ideas That Work - Kreativuse™ - Creative Resources and Inspirations

  25. Wendy Peek

    Great comment and I couldn’t have said it better myself.

    I’ve been searching for another job since my layoff in March of this year and every site that I have read through and researched regarding preparing a resume has stated the very same thing you and Tony commented on. You send a bunch of pretty fluff on paper to an HR Manager/Recruiter and it’s as good as being sent directly to the nearest trash file (online or otherwise).

    Kudos to the designer of the resumes but unfortunately I’m going to have to agree with SueDonym and Tony on this.

  26. Pingback: Link Love 04 Oct 08 |

  27. Pingback: 29 tools, tips and advice to make a resume and cover letter that will crush your competitors and make them run home crying to their mommies | Will Sullivan's website. Journerdism

  28. Pingback: 29+ sites for resume inspiration and cover letter writing | Will Sullivan's website. Journerdism

  29. Brenna

    I just came accross this site doing stumble upon, and as I was looking over these I saw “Anthony Clarkson,” and thought, there’s no way that’s the guy I know… but it is. WEIRD. He’s one of my brother’s best friends.

  30. narendra

    please sent resume format

  31. prathap

    beautiful resume designings and useful.

  32. sujith

    Cool! Some of these are really good and some are innovative but deviate from the objectives of writing a comprehensible resume.

  33. Karthik

    Hi Friends …

    Can anyone help me in designing a resume for me ? my mail ID is

    Waiting for u reply

  34. Anthony Johnston

    Nice post again Jacob, keep hunting maybe you’ll find mine for the next update, Ant

  35. Jeims

    very good.

  36. Guffin Mopes

    I gotta say I’d actually be a little bit scared of going with this sort of method for a job interview. I know that it’s good to be so powerfully eyecatching but it’s a little risque. Depending on the type of job it could absolutely backfire.

    Plus it gives the illusion of additional skills.

    Which I definitely don’t need.

  37. Kristin

    Are these resumes just for looking at? I LOVE them, but wouldn’t know where to start in creating something like them. My design skills on a computer are 0! How can I create something like these?

  38. Brian Mayzure

    As a graphic designer, and someone whose resume appears above (thanks!!) I have to set one thing straight to the HR people who are cringing: My resume is definitely not meant for you. Graphic Designers are expected to have a resume that reflects their personal style, abilities, etc. Any graphic designer that has only a resume in plain 12 pt Arial or Times New Roman would not be taken seriously, and their resume would be “filed in the out box… straight out to the trash.” Surely you understand that. While I do maintain a graphic resume, I also maintain a plain resume for HR people (who it turns out don’t even read the resumes anymore, they scan them in to some HR program that picks the resume apart and files it all away).

    But I do agree, if you are going for a regular office job, temping, accounting, PR, etc., having a graphical resume is NOT the way to go. Your best bet is to go as plain as you can get, no horizontal rules, no fancy formatting, 12 pt Arial. The machines read that better so the HR drones don’t have to look at it.


    Dear Jacob,

    I really like your articles on beautiful resumes and have looked at all of them many times for inspiration in redesigning my resume. I will be applying for admin or retail jobs, so am not a designer like most of these people, so I hope the design isn’t too much, lots of sites recommend plain resumes. Anyway I would like to submit my new resume to you and ask for your constructive criticism on the design, I would really value your opinion. Not sure how to send it to you though I’ll try copying…
    ok that didn’t work well!!!
    Please send me an email address where I can send it as an attachment or please give me an alternative way to send it to you where it will end up looking the way I designed it!
    Kind regards

    Melanie Worsley


    Hi Brian Mayzure,
    if you have read my previous comment you know that I wish to send my resume to JOBMOB to have opinions on it. However Jacob has not replied yet, so I tried emailing you for your opinion, as a designer, on my resume, however the email address on your resume in the article is not valied. Please would you contact me @
    Thankyou so much


  41. Jacob Share

    Karthik, Kristin and mikaela- you should have received an email from me. If not, I’ll try again.

    Guffin- fortune favors the bold. Whether you choose an “eyecatching” design or not, your resume will have a design, so choose one that helps you get the interview. The wrong choice could backfire, I agree, so choose wisely. Read more about good design tips here:

    The 2008 Resumes of the Year

    Brian- thanks for coming by and thanks for the insight.

    Melanie- sorry for the delay. There are instructions on how to send me resumes for free tips via the JobMob Facebook page:

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  43. Dee Sadler

    I am a long time graphic artist turned web designer and Adobe Instructor. Most places don’t want a PDF, they want a Word doc so they can put it in their formatting. It’s the portfolio that had better look right. The resume should be laid out well, and had better tell the HR person (who doesn’t care that you are an “artist”) why he should hire you because of your skills on paper. I’ve seen some awful resumes that look great, but don’t say anything about who that person is and what they can do for the company.

    Now maybe if you are submitting your resume to a very small company and you know the Creative Director is the one who will actually look at your resume first, then perhaps. Any larger company does have an HR department, and they have a set of technologies list and a skills list they are looking for, not a pretty resume.

    So by all means, make it unique. Make it stand out, but it’s more about highlighting your skills, and then creating a kick-butt portfolio, selling yourself through social media and making a name for yourself then just a resume that tells me you may have more flash then technical skills. It seems you might be hiding what you don’t know via a fancy resume. My website speaks for itself, and my resume shows what skills I’ve used at jobs and what I know HR is looking for.

    Yes, these are all opinions. Seems some here are just looking for a fight.


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  45. Robert

    HR PEOPLE\RECRUITERS: you are not the boss. You are not even managers. You are similar to bathrooms: each floor of employees needs one.

    That said, many of these resumes are examples of questionable design quality, and certainly not beautiful.

    I actually agree with the recruiters\HR vampires. These resumes wont help most people get a job. But if you are a designer of any type looking to work in a boutique setting – you will need a well considered CV.

  46. Pingback: 5 helpful links for killer resume design | Nilesh Babu

  47. Leslie Juvin

    While many of these resumes are beautiful, they lack the vital keywords and accomplishments to make a candidate interview/job worthy. Many of the resumes simple state responsibilities.

    A HR professional/recruiter doesn’t just what to know what your job was like, they want to know how – in substantial ways – you made a difference.

    The content pales in the shadow of these resumes’ creativity. Focus more on the content, the form will follow.

  48. Emily

    I like the fourth one down on the left, but does it really say “Age” on it? I thought you were NEVER supposed to put your age on the resume, because If I remember right employers are only allowed to ask if you’re over/under a specific age – applications can ask if you’re 18 (or 21 or 25 or whatever the minimum age for doing certain things that pertain to the job might be) or over, and how much education you completed and when, but they can’t ask for your age.

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  50. Nicolas de Biolley


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  52. gilbert serrano

    You know, after reading these comments I must say, it is fairly obvious that most people are not artistically inclined. What the hell are they commenting on here. These are works of expression combined with art. It’s creative and insightful. Isn’t that what marketing companies do? When you’re out looking for work or building a clientele, you are in essence marketing. We all know that. Who are these so called professionals that are so incapable of realizing that fact and what are they relying on in terms of hiring candidates for positions. Are they really that stupid? People are so negative and quick to judge. Unfortunately, it’s the same attitude and approach demonstrated by most employers and hiring firms. It’s no wonder why so many applicants are having such a hard time.

  53. Kirsty

    I am a design graduate searching for ideas and I have to say I both love and hate some of these in equal measure, it comes down a lot to personal taste. I did however, find the designs in the previous article ’36 More Beautiful Resumes’ to be more of an inspiration because they were creative without distracting from the content of the CV.

    I do agree that the type of CV to use does depend on the type of job you are applying to. However I do find the responses from managers and HR sad and disappointing. I would not want to work for your companies because it seems as though you want another run of the mill employee who does not have a personality. Or are annoyed by the fact the CV is not database friendly and you might actually have to do some work reading it and not just shove it through a machine.

    A company has recently asked me to send through a word version of my CV for a design post. I am not sure whether or not to contact them again. For me it questions their credibility as designers, using word. They said they needed it to copy and paste information into a database. Why the hell do they need to copy and alter my information into a database?

    It confuses me that in a recession, why an eye catching, (but beautifully designed CV) isn’t a good idea to make you stand out from the other 500 applications for the same post.

  54. Melanie Haselmayr

    and here again: people DO know that different designs are important to succeed during a job hunt. especially highly demanded jobs will receive 100s of applications, if you just follow the standard pattern, who do you think will notice you?

  55. Michael

    There seems to be a bit of ignorance in this forum. On the one hand some recruiters claim that the design doesn’t help a resume at all, and on the other there are posters claiming that recruiters like that are what’s wrong with the world.

    In truth, both sides are wrong, and the premise of this article is a bit off too. The purpose of graphic design is not purely to draw attention, but rather to direct readers/viewers through the document. It’s there to enhance rather than distract. Some of the resume examples in this article and the preceding one do that, and some do not.

    A lot of people, including many so-called designers, don’t understand the differnce between Art and Graphic Design. Art is there for the sake of looking pretty or to send some manner of snobbish message that nobody really cares about. Design is user-centered. It’s all about enhancing the experience of the intended user, whether that’s a gamer, a guy sitting in a chair, or a recruiter.

    The reason that designing your resume is important is that, when properly done, it will draw attention to all the necessary parts. It’ll help guide the eye from the applicant’s name, down through their skills, experiences, etc. Properly desigend resume’s should allow for easier scanning, through appropriate uses of colour or different line weights.

    Graphically data can be represented easier as well. Do you know Illustrator? That’s good, but how well do you know it? Using a rating out of 5 stars for example, can do that.

    That’s not to say that you’d literally use stars on your resume. You might, if it fits well and is non-distracting, but you’re morelikely to use a box or a circle to represent that. Or maybe a bar chart for your skills. Maybe a radar graph to showcase how your skills are interrelated to distinguish you as an individual.

    What about using a timeline to highlight experience? It can show very quickly how much work experience you have, demonstrate any gaps and explain why they exist. Were you in school for the last 5 years? Well, education probably took up most of your time, why not show a timeline on the X axis of a graph mapped against intensity of the exercise on the Y axis. That conveys far more information at a glance than paragraphs and paragraphs of writing. A STAR statement, even in it’s shortest form is still pretty long.

    My point is that Graphic Design is a difficult discipline to learn, and when done properly it allows for a much easier digestion of information than large blocks of times new roman text. Good Graphic Design has a reason for using a particular font or colour or alignment. Of course it should contain the requisite information and be tailored to the company you’re applying to. The resume you send to an advertising firm should be very different from the resume you send to a bank, wich should be very different from a resume you send to a game design company.

    If you dismiss the importance of good design in a resume or if you dismiss the importance of content in the resume then you’re a fool. When looking for a job, you have to use every method at your disposal. You can’t just rely on content or pretty pictures alone – it’s a matter of combining everything together.

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  58. Ash


  59. Pingback: El CV ha muerto, construye y aprende a mantener tu perfil laboral 2.0 | Un Cafelito a las Once - 1C11

  60. m.saranya

    very nice pick…, i too try this …,

  61. Dan

    The shorter the sentences are the better, also, the more the format is standard the more you can use abbreviations since employers will already know the subject. Creative designs with the CV are more suitable for graphic designers, I don’t think a business person or a doctor should decorate his CV.

  62. Kate

    They are all very beautiful! I have mine out being prettied up as a result of this post.

  63. Alex McDonough

    If you are handing your resume to a live person, they will be fine but any automated resume system would kick them out as unintelligible.

    1. Jacob Share

      That is the current view of most experts, Alex. From 👊 How To Regularly Beat Applicant Tracking Systems With Your Resume:

      Trying to use cool fonts, writing on a white background with any text color other than black, or adding graphic elements might actually be counterproductive.

      Most ATS algorithms are not sophisticated enough to properly decipher applications with the above, and that will mean you’ll be weeded out even though you might actually be the best candidate for the job.

      But I wonder if this view needs to be updated.

      When I originally posted this article, the relatively low number of job applicationss with such designs meant that it wasn’t a high priority for ATSes to be able to read them, but that’s changing: Microsoft Word Online already proposes resume templates using different colors and formats, and that alone means thousands of people are using them to apply for jobs. If ATSes can’t understand them, that’s a big problem for ATS clients, the companies trying to hire these people.

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