A creative resume is a great way to stand out as a job candidate. Here are some inspiring resume designers that have been taking the art of creative resumes to new heights. Take a look.

The 25 Most Creative Designer Resumes You’ll See This Year
Photo Credit: buyalex

25 amazingly creative resumes


Alexandre Gueniot animation cv


Watch until the end…

Alexis Trepanier flash animation cv resume

Azhar Jahed flash animated cv


Carole Courouble brochure pamphlet cv


Gary Meyer brochure cv


FJ Garcia comic resume


Lydia Velarde cartoon resume


Alex Xaysena cv


Toolkit resume


Standley Ahihiko Cortez cutout resume

Stephann Knotts cutout resume

Sid Santos Cutout resume


Poster CV Resume


Handwritten resume and photo

Manolache Tmillian handwritten resume


Krista Gregg doodle resume


Michael Mangus resume


T-shirt Resume

More t-shirt resumes

Warning signs

Keith Candiotti warning signs resume


Greg Dizzia beautiful resume

Video game inspired

Moises video game inspired resume

Subway / Metro / Underground Map

Jonathan Kaczynski subway metro underground map resume

’50s Advertising inspired

David Young 1950s advertising inspired resume

Web 2.0 inspired

Vianney Lecroart Web2.0 resume

Who should use a creative resume?

Not everyone needs a creative resume, but everyone needs a beautiful resume.

READ NEXT: 36 Beautiful Resume Ideas That Work

Feeling creative? Subscribe to JobMob via RSS or email and follow me on Twitter for more job search inspiration for your creative side.

Jacob Share

Job Search Expert, Professional Blogger, Creative Thinker, Community Builder with a sense of humor. I like to help people.

This Post Has 100 Comments

  1. Louisa

    These are great! I love seeing creative resumes like this. Thanks so much for displaying all of these, they’re great!

  2. DMC

    These are awful. As a senior designer, I wouldn’t consider any of these people for a position, and it’s not because I don’t like “individual” cv’s, it’s simply that the examples you use here are examples of appalling design. The toolkit and poster have at least been designed by someone with some grasp of aesthetics, but the rest are plain ugly.

    Send your cv as a one page word file, and don’t waste people’s time with frilly crap like the stuff you see above. Seriously. It WILL get you noticed, in a very bad way…

  3. Pingback: Lindsay Olson | Archivo » Bookmarks for November 20th through November 25th

  4. FmR

    Merci de ta visite et de ton commentaire, au plaisir de te lire !

  5. Photo Retouching

    These are really creative resumes… Though it might not work everywhere 😛 it sure is admirable..

  6. Anonymous

    I’m not sure if those would get anyone hired, but they are creative.

  7. Ashley

    Awesome Ideas, Personally the Subway / Metro / Underground Map is the one for me

  8. SRS

    Great post and pictures. I like best the idea that people got jobs from handwritten notes. Nice work: stumbling thumbs up!

  9. Herman Jambak

    Nice and want to be this member community,tx

  10. Jimmy

    Maybe the contents of these resumes aren’t the best, but A+ for the overall ideas. I’d consider these applicants first. But, can’t say the same for other up-tight hiring managers who are a-holes.

  11. Kisumi

    that was amazing,i wonder how the boss responses when they see those resumes.

  12. Pingback: 25 fantastic design articles from 2008 | David Airey » graphic designer, logo designer

  13. Pingback: Sociala Gerillan

  14. Hajj E. Flemings

    I love this blog post. I love the creativity and the relevance of each person resume that ties into their personal DNA.

  15. DInflux Ed

    Great list, I particularly liked the tshirt resumes. brilliant!

  16. Pingback: Creatividad aplicada al Currículum Vitae · InternalComms

  17. Pingback: Curriculum Vitae - Alina Gavrilaş

  18. simple websites

    Great list, I particularly liked the tshirt resumes. brilliant!

  19. Danzarina

    Magnífico post y excelente la recopilación de cv creativos. Gracias por mostrarlos. Un saludo.

  20. Pingback: Extreme Job Search Methods - can they work for you? | Talent Evolution

  21. Mat Kramer

    FYI, the embedded YouTube video comes up as “not available” now.

  22. Jacob Share

    Thanks for the heads-up, Mat. It’s fixed now.

  23. Pingback: The Problem with The Common Application | Sui Generis

  24. umam

    nice resume and inspiring resume

  25. Pingback: Veragounet » Blog Archive » 13 sources d’inspiration pour créer un CV papier original

  26. Pingback: uberVU - social comments

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  29. shoaib hussain

    wow these r just amazing,I m right now writing my

  30. nicknackdesign

    Hey guys! what’s the best software to use to create such amazing Resumes? I’m guessing InDesign,Photoshop. But my old laptop won’t let me install the full Adobe master collection so are there any other programes I could use to create a professional yet creative resume? cheers

  31. Jacob Share

    nicknackdesign- look for an older version of those programs. Not only are they more likely to work on your older laptop, you might even find them for free or close to free.

  32. Pingback: 25 creative resumes | INTRODUCTION TO THE GRAPHIC ARTS | Professor Ken Harper

  33. Pingback: 5 Oddball CV Tips That NO ONE Ever Talks About (But Which I Think Are Important) | The Social Recruitment Guide

  34. Nabil Mourad

    I watched these Cvs months ago and I decided to act positively. Since I am a Microsoft Certified Professional mastering Power Point, I created my personal CV as an attractive Power Point show, I wish it could be displayed on this nice site. The link is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqlHkzvqisI
    your feedbak is much appreciated

  35. Drew

    no wonder they are all unemployed.

    (this comment excludes the creator of The Poster)

  36. Pingback: e3G

  37. Sha

    Warning: Use with Caution.

    These resumes look great – well most of them – however I would suggest they be used when applying for ‘creative’ jobs only. I must stress use with caution as I doubt many employers would take them seriously.

    However with Social Media etc so prevalent today, we may see more creative resumes, video resumes etc.

  38. Duncan

    Bless, you forgot mine: cv.duncanmckean.com

  39. Jacob Share

    Kevin- nice work

    Duncan- yours is very slick, looks great.

    Thanks to both of you for mentioning them here.

  40. Rhea Bowden

    Let me know what you think of my resume. I am looking for critique. Thanks-Rhea HR Media Solutions

  41. Jacob Share

    Rhea- I find it hard to read, which is a problem you definitely want to take care of

  42. Smoore

    Very creative, but your resume is any potential employer’s first impression of you and some of these just say sloppy. Unfortunately the Recycled one also has computer spelled wrong twice under Education. It’s extremely important to proofread any resume!

  43. Phil

    It’s always best to show your best work. Don’t try to impress with a cv, try to impress with a strong portfolio! These cvs are largely inappropriate for anything but a page of curiosities on a website like this.

  44. Jacob Share

    gaurang- very creative, nice job

    Phil- for some people, especially graphic designers, such a creative resume IS just that, a strong portfolio

  45. Penelope

    It’s a shame that iPads don’t support Flash. I can’t see half of the creative CVs that are posted!

  46. Jacob Share

    Penelope- yes, that’s a bummer. The animated resumes are really cool

  47. Pingback: 10 Tips to Build the Perfect Resume « Job and Career Accelerator Blog

  48. Kate

    They are all beautiful, but the creators have forgotten that HR people are completely boring.

  49. Pingback: Gavin Moran and Cv’s – Beochan

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