These were the most-read articles posted on JobMob over the month of March 2007 according to FeedBurner’s Site Statistics:
371 Reads – Jacob Richman’s 2007 CJI Salary Survey Results Now Available
Every year, Jacob Richman polls the subscribers of his Computer Jobs in Israel (CJI) mailing list about their salaries. The 2007 results were released on March 1st and can be seen in English and in Hebrew on the CJI salary survey archives site.
69 Reads – Strangest Job Titles Ever
If all recruiters followed the solid, classic rules of job advertisement writing, you would only see the same job titles over and over when scanning job listings. Too often, hiring staff will only get creative when it comes to glossing over job description details that might otherwise repel candidates. However, there are times when the actual job name is remarkable enough on its own and clearly needs no embellishment.
62 Reads – Room With A Vista
In a recent article I gave you some tips on deciding whether you needed Microsoft Vista. A few days ago I had my first opportunity to see Aero up close, to experience the new User Account Control security features, and to decide for myself whether the advice I gave you made as much sense as when I first blogged it.
57 Reads – The Secret To Finding Dream Jobs
The Dream Job. The one that you never want to end. The one that you would love. The one that you've never had and may never have. Until now.
48 Reads – Become An Expert in Web2.0 Job Search Marketing
Are you a Senior Interface Hacker? A Director of Mobility? Possibly a User Experience Strategist? Never heard of these professions? Neither have I, until now.
Wow. Reading blog posts from 2007 does bring across how quickly everything changes all the time.