Every job seeker has made or used a to-do list like this.

You just don't realize how funny it is until you're actually making to do lists that look similarā€¦

funny Unemployed to do list

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Jacob Share

Job Search Expert, Professional Blogger, Creative Thinker, Community Builder with a sense of humor. I like to help people.

This Post Has 33 Comments

  1. Undrallio

    hahaha, that is so awesome. I love it!

  2. electricians

    very funny, I can relate. donā€™t tell my wife.

    but if he only stole the steno pad at point #3, how did he do 1 and 2?? chicken and egg my friend, chicken and egg.


  3. abadtooth

    I like it šŸ˜›

  4. Jenny

    LOL thatā€™s funny. Iā€™ma send this to my hubby.

  5. Maz

    i will have to make a list like this if i want to get a job .. lol =P

  6. Rafael

    Great !!!

  7. Prince Underwood

    Better Version >

    1) Make List
    2) Cross Number 1 off list
    3) Brainstorm to make # 4
    5) Surf Net
    6) Post List to Net
    7) Tell wife I ā€¦..

  8. esme

    thatā€™s really happen

  9. unTECHy

    Great stuff. Having been recently unemployed, I had a mental checklist that was very similar to your list.

    Thanks for the post!

  10. ricky



  11. Jacob Share

    Prince- donā€™t forgot 0) Steal steno pad from old job.

    Speaking ofā€¦

    dave- maybe he stole a different pad? :p

    unTECHy- weā€™ve all been there, havenā€™t we?

    Everyone else- glad you guys all liked it šŸ™‚

  12. Daily Common Sense

    haha thatā€™s great

  13. revperrin

    I never made a list like that but at times I was so out of options that would have been a good idea. LOL

  14. Mirjam

    not sure I want to admit it, but this seems familiar to me ā€¦ *blushing*

  15. Jim

    Damn funny. Except here is my actual list of what I do all day.

    1 get out of bed
    2 drink coffee smoke cigarette and avoid eye contact with girlfriend and kids.
    3 catch o sports
    4 Blog
    5 Stumble
    6 Talk to girlfriend who who works from home.
    7 yell at a kid
    8 make dinner
    9 back to stumble
    10 smoke
    11 go to bed

  16. 7leads

    Looks like the same list I made out this morning

  17. lolosad

    Hmm ā€¦ soon Iā€™ll be also out of job so this list is very inspirational ā€¦ and too funny! Stumbled it šŸ™‚

  18. jason

    but he would have hat to check off post on internet before posting so this is a lie.

  19. chantix

    wouldnt you have to steal the pad before doing anything?

  20. Deborah

    Too funny indeed.
    My husband works as a firefighter for Toronto, and he hasnā€™t had to look for a job for 25 years!
    He doesnā€™t ā€œgetā€ that things have changed drastically in the search.
    He once asked me if I took my SIN and Date of Birth off my resume!?
    I am leaving him as soon as I can find a job and build up some capital!
    Good luck everyone!
    Thank goodness I found this site!

  21. RPO

    I have a job and i still have the same check list as this dude. Sadā€¦.

  22. Pingback: victoria70

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  24. A. B. M. Golam Sarwar

    Very funny.

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