Forget about the news for a few minutes and get some laughs at the expense of the layoffs being announced daily around the world during the economic crisis.

15 Funniest Cartoons and Web Comics About Layoffs
Photo by wackystuff

1) Layoffs coming next week

Layoffs coming next week

An important announcement by Shane Johnson

2) Bad day at the Daily Planet: Clark Kent laid off

Clark Kent laid off

Layoffs hit ā€˜The Daily Planet' in Metropolis By Rob Tornoe

3) Easiest round of layoffs ever

Easiest round of layoffs ever

Dilbert by Scott Adams

4) SEO layoffs

Seo Layoffs

SEO Cartoon: Layoffs by Emory Rowland

5) Layoffs at the plant

Plant Layoff

Plant layoffs by James True

6) What to do after being laid off

What to do after being laid off

Time to look busy by Jessica Hagy

7) Layoff thank you letter

Layoff thank you letter

Sureā€”Downsize Me Then Sell My Trinkets on eBay by Abigail Spankie

8) Funemployment


no job by Natalie Dee

9) Good news for the aspiring author

Good news for the aspiring author

by Wiley Miller

10) HR criteria for employee layoffs

HR criteria for employee layoffs

Step 4 is ā€˜Check for Horns'

Cartoon: Employee-Layoff Criteria by Christian Sarkar

11) Employee layoff incentive plan

Employee layoff incentive plan

12) Even the crash test dummies have to go

Even the crash test dummies have to go

Chrysler layoffs by Johnny Ancich

13) Doughnuts


free doughnuts solve everything! by Joon

14) Bee layoffs at the hive

Bee layoffs at the hive

Bee Newz by G.S. Springer

15) A sense of foreboding

A sense of foreboding

Dilbert by Scott Adams

BONUS: Pre-layoff gift from the boss

Pre-layoff gift from the boss

by Talia Cohen

Share this article with anyone going through tough times at work. And if you liked it, you'll enjoy the 20 Best-ever Web Comics About the Job You Want to Leave.

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Jacob Share

Job Search Expert, Professional Blogger, Creative Thinker, Community Builder with a sense of humor. I like to help people.

This Post Has 36 Comments

  1. Grant


    Made me laugh. Great work, I think its great that people can benifit from the credit crunch. Iā€™m sure the artists are laughing all the way to work.

    Is it me or is the credit crunch doing web designed and graphic designes a favor. Ive had numerous business approach me saying times are bad and they need a web site or fresh design to advertise there business and generate more money. Times have never been so good for a freelancer. I hope these artists are in the same boat.

    Keey up the good work.

  2. Pingback: Loganotron Ā» Blog Archive Ā» Thereā€™s Nothing Funny About Lay-offs

  3. The Freelance Cartoonist

    The one by Jessica Hagy is the best. Increase in layoffs is directly proportional to the increase in bloggers.

  4. Jacob Share

    Grant- I agree with you that the crisis will see more people freelancing. A study of freelancers I saw recently was that most of them make less than they did at their old jobs but they were happier with the new arrangement, and thatā€™s really what matters if they can still pay their bills. However, those were mostly people who chose to become freelancers, a big difference from the people who will know do it because they see no choice.

    Gordon- gruesome! And appropriate.

    Freelance Cartoonist- time will tell, and I like Jessicaā€™s minimalist style, but so many blogs are created all the time anyway

  5. Pingback: Momentor Ā» Blog Archive Ā» 12/11/08: Top Career Posts

  6. Gordon

    Thanks, Jacob. Glad you liked it!

  7. Pingback: Andy Parkinsonā€™s World Ā» Blog Archive Ā» 12/11/08: Top Career Posts

  8. Pingback: Liens du matin 12/15/2008 Ā« Le Journal de Ray Dacteur

  9. Alice

    Great list!!! Thanks!!!

  10. Erik

    The one by Jessica Hagy is the best. Increase in layoffs is directly proportional to the increase in bloggersā€¦

  11. Pingback: Middle Zone Musings Ā» What I Learned From 2008 - Jacob Share (Job Mob)

  12. Jacob Share

    Johnny- thanks for the link.

    Yours Truly- thanks for the links, theyā€™re hilarious and Iā€™m glad to discover your webcomic. Good luck with it.

  13. Pingback: F_unemployment | Grab It Up Marketing Blog

  14. Pingback: CollegeSurfing Insider Ā» 5 Cool Career Blog Posts

  15. Jess

    these are freakinā€™ hilarious.

    another place to relate:

    a blog cluster that gives people an open space to tell their absurd tales of unemployment as well as gain support.

  16. Pingback: Cameron Craig Group

  17. The Colo(u)r of the Sun

    These are really funny. I was looking for the best 15 cartoon websites though, hoping mine was there šŸ˜‰

  18. Pingback: Twitter Trackbacks for 15 Funniest Cartoons and Web Comics About Layoffs | JobMob [] on

  19. daniel mendoza torres

    is a good way, take the real situation for many of us. i was laid off too from a roofing company, and this page make me think about the others.

  20. Pingback: To Have Your Say

  21. jess

    funny, but some are confusingā€¦:)

  22. Kate

    I may never find a job because I tweeted this post.

  23. Cara

    Very Funny to laugh, especially while avoiding the mailbox and the email for bills! AVOIDANCE is only temporary, unfortunately! Thank you Jacob Share

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