JobMob Census: Mobile Job Search is Hot and Getting Hotter

Are you the same you that you were last year? Let's see. 2014 JobMob Census results On November 12th, 2014, I asked you guys to Please Take The 2014 JobMob Census. Thank you to everyone who responded. Last year was the first time I did a census and didn't really know what to expect. This time around, I can compare with last year's results to see how things have changed (or not). This one's for the stats geeks like me.


Please Take The 2014 JobMob Census (You’ll Be Glad You Did)

If you're a regular JobMob reader or subscriber, this is for you. Why do a census? To make JobMob better for you and for me. If I know who you are and what you want, it'll be a lot easier for me to help you. If I know that's helping you, I'm more likely to help others like you. It only takes a few minutes. I specifically set things up to be as easy and as quick as possible. There are fewer questions than last year's first ever JobMob census, and fewer open-ended questions than last year. The required questions are almost all multiple choice and should take 1-2 minutes to go through. There are also a few optional questions - which I hope you'll answer too - that are more open-ended.


Who Won $11K? The Grand Prize Winners of the #8JGBC

The biggest guest blogging contest of the year is over! Time to announce the... 8jgbc winners! Before we get to the moment you've all been waiting for, a quick contest recap: This year's edition of the contest went off without any major hitches, thankfully. There were a few hiccups though - there always are - one contestant had some paid traffic (that's a no-no), another one pulled out in the middle of the contest, and two others didn't fulfill their contest requirements and won't be eligible for prizes as a result (I warned them plenty of times!). After last year's multiple-extension debacle that spanned almost 3 months (I still can't believe I did that!), this was the shortest contest in years, barely spanning 6 weeks. This year's 23 contestants drove almost 60% more traffic to JobMob than last year's contestants. In fact, this year would have been the first time someone would have won the Traffic Race prize (first person to 2500 unique visitors) but since no one had done it the past few summers, I didn't offer it this time around. The 23 submitted guest posts have already been shared over XXXX times. A great contest and I'm very happy with how it went. Thanks to all the contestants for insightful submissions, and thanks to our sponsors for making it all happen.

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Surprising Results of The 1st JobMob Census

From early November through early January, you responded. On November 7th, 2013, I asked you guys to Please Take The 2-minute 2013 JobMob Census. First off- big thanks to everyone who responded. And hopefully you responded right away, while others needed a lot of prodding and shoving a reminder or two (which is ok, since we're all suffering from email overload, right?). Google Docs' form features made the survey easy to set up, and all your replies were conveniently saved in a spreadsheet while the Summary of Responses feature quickly provided the easy to read graphs coming up below. In addition to each survey question and its results, I'll tell you what I was expecting, and as you'll see, things didn't always come out the way I thought they would.


2014 Hottest Recruiting Trends in Israel: What You Need To Know

The latest edition of Israel's largest recruiting conference didn't disappoint. Special thanks to HRD CEO Yakov Rozen for his personal invitation to the conference, which took place on Tuesday Feb. 18th, 2014. I've blogged about HRD's Kenes Giyus before. It's the biggest and best gathering of Israeli recruiters and HR pros with over 400 attendees from across the country. It's a full day of keynotes and workshops, personal networking and sponsor pitches, special guests from abroad and great local food, and I already look forward to returning next year. After a full day at the event, here's what's hot in Israeli recruiting this year and what it means for you.


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