How To Avoid Scary Job Interviews

Sometimes, those bad things actually happen. This is a guest post by Katherine Burik. If you’d also like to guest post here on JobMob, follow these guest post guidelines. Walking through the park one evening when from behind the bushes a hand reaches out and grabs your sweetie... With a blood curdling scream, she is GONE!!! Scary… Makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up a little doesn’t it? Why is something scary anyway? Much of it is in our heads. It can be paralyzing to ruminate on the bad things that can happen. But bad things really can happen when disruptive, unexpected situations get out of control. Job interviews can be scary too for the same reasons. Surprisingly, interviewing is about the same level of scary for candidates and for the company. Each party imagines all sorts of bad outcomes. Sometimes, those bad things actually happen.


How Your Resume Buzzwords Get You Rejected

Are resume buzzwords an HR buzz kill? This is a guest post by Tabitha Flack. If you’d also like to guest post here on JobMob, follow these guest post guidelines. As a recruiter, I can tell you that buzzwords are funnily enough a bit of a buzzword at the moment in the employment sector, and have been for some time. It is all about throwing back all-important indicators to hiring managers and HR teams showing that you know what you are talking about. And to an extent I would agree with this argument, but not wholeheartedly: * If you are formatting your CV and want to make the "argument of you" compelling to your potential employer and easily navigable for an HR team member, then this is certainly the best way to go about it. * If you want to make yourself sound flashy by calling yourself a Ninja, Guru, Superstar, or Demi-God, they probably won't be so interested.


How To Pick The Right Web Hosting Service for You

Which of the many hosting companies is the best fit for your needs? Thank you to WebHostingBuzz for sponsoring the 8th Annual JobMob Guest Blogging Contest. This is their 4th year in a row as a sponsor. Please support them as they support JobMob. It's not easy finding a good hosting company. There are so many choices, so many different plans, and the marketplace is constantly evolving while they compete with each other for your hosting fees. How do you make sense of it all? Here are a few tips to guide you on your search. Normally, you would start by trying to understand what your hosting needs are. Nowadays though, with the commoditization of most computing solutions, any self-respecting hoster will have a plan for you unless you or your company is part of a tiny minority with very specific needs. With that in mind, here are some tips for making a great choice.


5 Job Interview Tips for First-time Job Seekers

What you need to know to keep the stomach butterflies away. This is a guest post by Neil O'Donnell. If you’d also like to guest post here on JobMob, follow these guest post guidelines. So, you’ve done what most applicants didn’t do – you landed an interview? Congratulations. Now get ready for the endurance test. Yes, you should be proud of this accomplishment as usually only three to five applicants (out of upwards of a hundred) are selected for interviews. That said, getting through the interview to the job is a challenge on the level of climbing a mountain, during a blizzard, with no guide. In other words, it’s difficult. To ace the interview, here are a few tips that will help increase your chances of making it through to the job.


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