How to Find Jobs in The Digital Economy

Recognize where you are and where you want to go. Now go. This is a guest post by Ibro Palic. If you’d also like to guest post here on JobMob, follow these guest post guidelines. In today's economic climate, two of the most important attributes a person can have are focus and the ability to adapt. There are so many resources at our fingertips today that it is easy to learn and add more skills to your toolkit. Open access to self-education makes it possible to keep your skills upgraded and, indeed, learn a completely new skill set in a very short period of time. Oddly, many people do not take advantage of the great educational opportunities that are available online. Problems arise in both perception and perseverance. Internet users may see the available opportunities advertised, but they simply don’t understand how valuable they are. In truth, probably half of the people who see online ads for educational opportunities don't give them a second thought. Of those who do pursue these opportunities and actually begin the courses or other materials offered, two-thirds will drop out very quickly. Of the remaining third, most will quit as soon as a challenge or other obligation appears. In reality, only about five percent of the people who ever see ads for great, online educational opportunities ever stick it out to the end of the course and make good use of the information provided.

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Most Effective WordPress Theme For Small Business Owners

What kind of design should you use for best results? Thank you to Elaine Griffin of Elaine Griffin Designs for sponsoring the 8th Annual JobMob Guest Blogging Contest. Jacob Share: Why did you become a designer? Elaine Griffin: I decided to become a designer when I was a small business owner designing my own site. I was designing and sewing children’s clothing, and had no money to invest in hiring a professional to create an e-commerce website. So, I learned on my own and I loved it. Designing websites serves a dual purpose for me. I get to fulfill my need to be creative, and I can also provide small businesses with affordable websites to get their businesses rolling.


How Job Interviews Are Like First Dates

Just because it can be awkward doesn't mean it has to be. This is a guest post by Jamie Scuka. If you’d also like to guest post here on JobMob, follow these guest post guidelines. You know the feeling when you get off the phone after setting a date and time, you are feeling great, yet really nervous? Kind of sounds like a first date right? Or, is it a first interview? You have finally done it, made a step in the right direction after being attracted to an opportunity that you feel is perfect for you (at least at this stage in the game). Good for you! How exciting! Or is it? A first date and a first interview are pretty much one in the same. Nobody really likes interviews; not only candidates, but especially hiring managers. It always seems like pulling teeth to get an interview confirmed on their end, and it’s because it's the last thing they want to do even though they have a defined need. And as far as first dates are concerned, many of us have that one story about the blind date gone wrong, or the nightmare first date that you could never forget. They both can be very awkward for all involved, but if you approach a job interview like a first date from both sides then you will have a better handle of the interview, and the familiar flow will make it seem like second nature (even if it still is awkward).


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