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How can I transition to a new meaningful career? ebbf dialogues

All job seekers


How can I transition to a new meaningful career? ebbf dialogues

About this Event

ebbf has created for you a series of four open dialogues on meaningful work. The outcome we will create together during this session will form part of a four series resource pack to accompany others in your same situation.



The thought might have crossed your mind: how can I transition from this current job of mine to one that is closer to my values and to the impact I wish to create?

However there are many reasons why people are not quite ready to just let go of a comfortable position and jump into the perceived uncertainty of a better, more meaningful position.

Using the testimonial of Martina Crepaz (leading ebbf's member services) and her own jump into the unknown that she shares in her testimonial you can join an open yet intimate and personal dialogue to explore:

DIALOGUE 1 . What is not working in your current job? Why is it so difficult to make transition? (see summary here: )

DIALOGUE 2 . Now that you have set your mind for a new more rewarding values-driven career, how do you go about it? Where do you look for that new better position (January 13th)

DIALOGUE 3 . How do you present yourself and your values in the best possible way both when introducing yourself to your ideal new position and in the job interview? (January 27th)

DIALOGUE 4. You recently entered a new workplace. How can you best approach your first days in the new position to apply in the best possible way your values?


Looking forward to finding more answer, more question and most importantly more people who, just like you, are wanting to make that shift to a more meaningful and impactful career.




SEE BELOW an interview with Martina and what she learnt from her own transition from a safe to a meaningful position.

How she found out what was important for her, starting by rethinking what success really is all about.

Virtual event

Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Timezone: UTC+2 (check your local time here)

Registration required? Yes

Cost: Free

Full event details: How can I transition to a new meaningful career? ebbf dialogues

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