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From Just Another Job to Building a Thriving Career

All job seekers


You are IT professionals with 10+ years of experience. Working in the same role/job for many years… unsure how to build a thriving career

About this event

Working in the same role/job for many years?

Feeling stuck, burnt-out, and undervalued?

Not sure how to get back on the fast-growth lane?

If you are keen on significant growth and bringing back the passion in work, this workshop can be a game changer.



Success leaves clues…

=> LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman studied philosophy.

How did he then become a tech entrepreneur and angel investor?

=> Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg was working with US Treasury Department before moving to Silicon Valley.

How did she then become one of the most successful businesswomen in Tech?

=> Author of “Never Eat Alone” Keith Ferrazzi comes from a very humble background.

How did he then become CMO of Deloitte at the age of 32?


Taking examples of few guests on my podcast Empowering Indian Expats Podcast:

=> Starting as a programmer, how did Shailendra Kumar create $5billion in incremental value using data and also become the top AI influencers in the world?

=> How did a mechanical engineering graduate Sheetal Bairamadgi grow into becoming a CMO & Head of Sales in the Mobile advertising industry and now running a successful Mobile Gaming Studio of her own?

=> How did Chirag Joshi become an Author and Cyber security & Tech leader within 10 years of starting out as a System Analyst?


Want to learn the principles of creating world-class career success?


I have distilled the best practices of hundreds of world-class professionals into 5 principles. I will be sharing these principles and how to implement them in this workshop.

Who should attend:

1. You are an IT professional with at least 10 years of experience

2. You really want to build a career of high significance, high fulfiment and high income.

3. You want to future-proof your career

4. You want to be among highly valued and in-demand professionals

Register Now. I can accomodate a limited number.

Virtual event

Date: Friday, November 26, 2021 - Saturday, November 27, 2021
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Timezone: UTC+11 (check your local time here)

Registration required? Yes

Cost: Free

Full event details: From Just Another Job to Building a Thriving Career

🔖 Event tags: Free events

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