Have any job search success stories to tell? It only takes a few minutes and you can record yourself speaking right here below.
It doesn't matter where your job search success story took place, whether the story occurred recently, or whether you're a JobMob subscriber.
You can even do it anonymously!
But here's why you should share that job search success story you've got tucked away.
3 Reasons To Share A Job Search Success Story
Last week I mentioned how JobMob Reader Appreciation Week will involve the release of a special audio podcast of job search success stories. This is why you should get involved:
1) Help yourself
One of the best ways to get a better understanding of something is to write it down or say it out loud, forcing your mind to think in a more linear way and jogging your memory at the same time. By telling a job search success story such as how you found your last job or your current job, you might remember a key point that could lead to success on your job search.
2) Help others
Your success story will inspire others with new ideas and tactics based on what works, regardless of whether it happened 6 days, 6 months or 6 years ago.
3) Help me help you
I'm trying to get you the Web's best job search advice. The more people share their stories, the more other people will be willing to share their own stories, bringing you ever more inspiration for your own job search. Let what goes around, come around, and in a good way.
It's Easier Than You Think, Because…
- If you recently found a job, the job search is still fresh in your mind, or…
- If you haven't job searched recently, explain how you found your last job, or…
- If you've never had a job or can't remember a previous job search, just tell a story about someone else's successful job search that you found motivational.
Now that you know why to share a job search success story, here's how.
A Few Clicks Is All You Need To Share A Job Search Success Story
I've tried to make this as easy as possible so that it will take the minimum amount of your time:
- Click the beige ‘Click to Record' button that you see here below
- Start talking
- Click the red & white flashing ‘Click to Stop' button when you're done
- Click SEND, and follow the instructions so that a link to your recording will automatically be sent to me.
That's it!
If your browser warns you that “vocaroo.com is requesting access to your camera and microphone…”, just click ‘Allow' and the recording will begin.
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(Note: if you're reading this over email, the Vocaroo box might not appear or it might complain in red of a Javascript error. If that's the case, just click through to view this article directly on JobMob where you can share your story.)
Thanks in advance for sharing a job search success story. If you don't, can you at least share this article with someone else who could share a story? Use the Twitter or Facebook share buttons at the top or bottom of this article for easiest 1-click sharing. Thanks for that too.
Thanks to Vocaroo for providing such a great service.
Subscribe to JobMob via RSS or email and follow me on Twitter for more ideas on how your job search experience can help others help you.
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