The best infographic designs about job search and career trends.
Click on any of the images to see the full version in a new window.
Growing the Green Job Boom
The Highest Paying Work From Home Jobs
Which Designer Job is the Best?
The Most Dangerous Jobs in America
The Good News For Online Degrees
Does Unemployment Spark Entrepreneurship?
U.S. Jobs Growth Forecast
Education vs Employment
Ingenious Ways to Fund your Master's Degree
The Dollars and Sense of Workshifting
What Factors Go Into Choosing a Career?
Silicon Valley's Talent War
Labor Day by the Numbers
Do College Endowments Affect Graduates' Salaries?
The Best Jobs in America
Which Industries Are the Most Violent
The Job Voyager
Totaljobs Survey: The Graduate Mindset
What is the Reed Job Index?
Top Jobs For Critical Thinking
Out of Work America
The Most Underrated (and Underpaid) Jobs in America
What are The Most Stressful Jobs in America?
Top 10 Cities to Get your First Job
The Great Depression vs The Great Recession
Workers Over 65 Vie With Teens in Labor Market
Unemployment, 2004 to Present
The State of Jobs in the United States
Looking Inside the Executive Suite
The Language of Hiring
Vauxhall/Opel Job Cuts: Did Germany Strike a Deal?
The Hectic Schedule of a Social Media Manager
Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work For
Question of the article
Which infographic is your favorite and/or speaks to you the most?
(You might have noticed that most of these are about America or the UK, so if you know of any job search-related infographics from other countries, please mention them in the comments too, ok?)
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What a great collection of infographics on career topics, Jacob!
Thanks for sharing this. I especially liked “what factors go into choosing a career.”
You can see how people really want to feel inspired and passionate about their careers; they don’t want to feel that their job is like work.
I believe this is a good sign for both the the employees and employers…if hiring firms take heed of this in their design of job descriptions and allow employees more creativity and freedom.
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Wow…amazing article. Thanks for compiling this!
Great graphics and info – for Americans.
Could we have the same info for Israel?
David- I wish! We scoured the Web for all job search infographics we could find, and sadly, we couldn’t find any Israel-oriented ones in English or Hebrew or they would have been featured in the article.
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