All job seekers
About this Event
For many of us this time that we are facing will cause us to take stock of our current role and position in the job market. We understand that updating your CV, LinkedIn profile and interviewing can be quiet daunting particularly if you have not done it in a little while. This event is designed to help you take control of your job search in this market and provide you with useful tips and a chance to talk to like-minded people.
We are fortunate to have Claire B Jenkins, owner of One to One Coaching, sharing her wisdom and insight with us. Claire is a renowned coach who, for the past 25 years, has worked with people to support them into roles across the private, public and third sector. So come and join us for an interactive Zoom webinar where we can upskill our interview techniques and share best practice with each other. Link to the meeting will be sent out in advance. See you then!
Virtual event
Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Time: 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm
Timezone: UTC+1 (check your local time here)
Registration required? Yes
Cost: FREE
Full event details: WiBA: Jobseeking in the coronavirus climate
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