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About this Event
Whether you are presenting in a meeting, interviewing for a job online, or pitching to an investor, it is crucial to learn how to adapt your speaking techniques for the camera and a remote audience, especially during these COVID times.
In this workshop, we will learn how to convey messages with clarity and confidence as if you were in the room with your colleague, potential employer or potential business partner or any audience.
Participants will learn:
– How to face the camera with confidence
– How to adapt content for online audiences
– How to set the frame as part of the message —
While FREE, space is limited due to ZOOM parameters. Please sign up on the Eventbrite registration, and we will send you the Meeting link to confirm registrations close to the time of the event.
For questions, or insights, please write us at reinach_J@mail.tel-aviv.gov.il
Linda Lovitch Communications is a media and communications consultant in Israel, working with government spokespersons, ambassadors, high tech executives, start-ups, universities and non-profits. Linda helps people to communicate with clarity and confidence whether talking to live, televised or online audiences.
Virtual event
Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Timezone: UTC+3 (check your local time here)
Registration required? Yes
Cost: Free
Full event details: Presenting Yourself Online for Maximum Impact with Linda Lovitch
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