All job seekers
Does it make sense to job search during the coronavirus outbreak, or a bad economy in general?
Jason Alba of https://JibberJobber.com and https://JobSearchProgram.com and I hosted an open-ended Zoom online video chat for job seekers.
- Why there are still companies hiring right now
- Now is a good time to reskill, and here's how to choose which skill(s) to focus on first
- A few great websites for finding top-notch, free courses (for example, email Jason@jibberjobber.com to get free access to Pluralsight courses)
- Why you should always be looking for a job, including when you have one
- One great way to get known professionally by many people in a short time
Main insights given in the chat also came from Melvin Hurley, CEO of Careers-Action CIO in the UK.
Date: Monday, March 30, 2020
Time: 9:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Timezone: Asia/Jerusalem (check your local time here)
Registration required? No
Cost: Free
Full event details: Is Now A Good Time To Be Looking For A Job? JOSH #2 #COVID19
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