After the biggest edition of the contest in 5 years, it's time to announce the winners of over $5000 in prizes. Here we go…

Challenge the champ

Contest statistics

Before we get to the long list of prize winners, let's take a look at some of the numbers that sum up what happened this summer:

  • 25 guest posts were submitted by contestants from Israel, the USA, the UK, Germany, The Philippines, Spain and Canada
  • 10 guest posts were rejected because they didn't meet the guidelines or arrived after there were no spots left
  • 17 of 25 contestants, or 68% of the participants, won prizes (so yes, it really is worth getting in on this every year)
  • 1 contestant – Judi Perkins – had her part of the competition interrupted by Hurricane Irene
  • The articles were shared with over 1850 retweets, 1904 Facebook Shares and Likes, 328 Google +1's, and they were emailed over 2000 times
  • Almost 250,000 people visited JobMob during the contest

Thank Yous

Thank you to all the contestants, for all the time, effort and all-around hard work you put into your terrific entries and driving traffic to them.

Thank you to all the people who visited the contest entries, and tried to help their favorite entrants reach the top.

Thank you to all the sponsors for making this contest and all its prizes possible.

Extra thanks to sponsors Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg, Gerald Weber of and David Harrison of for being interviewed on the podcasts.

Extra thanks to Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg (again), Marcus Tandler of JOBlog, Jason Alba of JibberJobber and Dan Schawbel of The Personal Branding Blog for choosing the Judges' Choice winner.

Speaking of winners, let's announce some.

The Winners

All contestants won:

  • A copy of the Personal Branding Magazine. Sponsored by Dan Schawbel.

Winner of the Judges’ Choice prize: Chris Perry

Chris won:

  • US$100. Sponsored by

Winner of the Most Retweeted Article: Hannah Morgan

Hannah won:

Winner of the Most Liked Article: Blessy Vaidian

Blessy won:

  • US$50. Sponsored by

Winner of the Most +1'd Article: Melvin Dichoso

Melvin won:

  • US$50. Sponsored by

Winner of the Most Emailed Article: Melvin Dichoso

Melvin also won:

  • US$50. Sponsored by

Bonus participant prize winners

The following 10 participants, randomly chosen with, each won a free copy of Job Searching with Social Media for Dummies, sponsored by Joshua Waldman:

  1. Heather Krasna
  2. Yehoshua Paul
  3. Keyavash Monshi
  4. Judi Perkins
  5. Lavie Margolin
  6. Peggy McKee
  7. Karen Cayamanda
  8. Paula R. Stern
  9. Kristen Fife
  10. Aliza Israel

And now on to the grand prizes.

With 1,701 visitors to her article 10 Ways to Build a Killer Web Presence Without Social Networking, the 3rd grand prize winner is…

3rd grand prize winner: Danielle McGaw

Danielle has won US$850 in prizes:

  • US$50. Sponsored by Marcus Tandler and JOBlog.
  • 1 hour of business consulting. Sponsored by Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg, a US$360 value
  • 4-hour video of Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg’s Marketing Secrets Seminar. Sponsored by Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg, a US$200 value
  • 1 year PRO membership of Sponsored by Ann Smarty and, a US$200 value
  • One premium WordPress theme. Sponsored by Keller Hawthorne and Simply Fresh Themes, a US$40 value

With 1,747 visitors to her article 7 Life-Changing Job Trends You Need to Know About, the 2nd grand prize winner is…

2nd grand prize winner: Donna Sweidan

Donna has won US$950 in prizes:

  • US$150. Sponsored by Marcus Tandler and JOBlog.
  • 1 hour of business consulting. Sponsored by Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg, a US$360 value
  • 4-hour video of Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg’s Marketing Secrets Seminar. Sponsored by Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg, a US$200 value
  • 1 year PRO membership of Sponsored by Ann Smarty and, a US$200 value
  • One premium WordPress theme. Sponsored by Keller Hawthorne and Simply Fresh Themes, a US$40 value

And with 1,798 visitors to her article, the grand prize winner of the 5th Annual JobMob Guest Blogging Contest is…

Drum roll please…

Grand prize winner: Blessy Vaidian!

Blessy has won over US$2600 in prizes:

  • US$250. Sponsored by Marcus Tandler and JOBlog.
  • 1 hour of business consulting. Sponsored by Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg, a US$360 value
  • 4-hour video of Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg’s Marketing Secrets Seminar. Sponsored by Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg, a US$200 value
  • 1 year PRO membership of Sponsored by Ann Smarty and, a US$200 value
  • Premium blog setup and design services. Sponsored by Kiesha Easley and, a US$600 value
  • 1 year of premium website hosting + cPanel + $75 Google Adwords coupon, sponsored by, a US$881 value
  • Interviewed on The Recruiting Animal Show. Sponsored by Recruiting Animal.
  • Access to Jason Alba’s paid webinar “Blog Marketing 201-501?. Sponsored by Jason Alba, a US$100 value.
  • A copy of Jason Alba’s upcoming book “8 Lunches”. Sponsored by Jason Alba.
  • One premium WordPress theme. Sponsored by Keller Hawthorne and Simply Fresh Themes, a US$40 value

Congratulations to Blessy, Donna, Danielle, Chris, Hannah, Melvin, Karen, Lavie, Heather, Aliza, Judi, Kristen, Paula, Peggy, Keyavash and Yehoshua. I will contact each of you in the next few days about how to claim your prizes.

Question of the article

If you could have been a judge, which article would you have chosen for the Judges' Choice prize? Tell us in the comments.

See the full, final contest results here

Subscribe to JobMob via RSS or email and follow me on Twitter for more awesome job search contests! Look for the 6th Annual JobMob Guest Blogging Contest in the summer of 2012.

Jacob Share

Job Search Expert, Professional Blogger, Creative Thinker, Community Builder with a sense of humor. I like to help people.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Yehoshua Paul

    I would have chosen Lynn Tulip’s 10 tricky Job Interview questions and how to answer them.

  2. Jacob Share

    Yehoshua- the way the Judges’ Choice worked was like this: excluding the 3 grand prize-winning articles, I chose 5 of the remaining 22 entries that I thought were special and deserving of extra attention.

    It wasn’t easy.

    Then the judges each had to choose and rank their 3 favorites. I wasn’t a judge, btw.

    Chris’s article garnered 3 of 4 possible first-place votes.

    Lynn’s article actually came in second.

  3. Melvin

    Congrats to all the winners. I think I did very poorly in the main contest part. I was yet again late in promoting my stuff but nevertheless I guess I still have a lot to learn as far as marketing in the job tips niche. 🙂

  4. Kate

    I think I have entered the guest blogging contest for 5 out of 7 years and only won a prize once.

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