As promised, even more prizes, more sponsors, more fun.

7th Annual JobMob Guest Blogging Contest official logo

And there may still be more to come…

In this contest update, there are 3 new sponsors and $1900 in new prizes, putting the overall contest total at almost $10000.


(And it's still possible to join as a sponsor: details here)

Plus I'm announcing that this is the first year that the contest will be gamified.

What does that mean?

Read on below…

Thank you to our Silver Sponsor: Wallaroo Media

Wallaroo Media is a full service digital marketing agency. They specialize in digital PR, search engine optimization, social media, and content strategy.

Wallaroo Media

Their focus for each client is to increase that client's revenue. With an integrated and innovative approach, they can help you succeed. Contact them today.

Wallaroo Media's sponsorship involves consulting time:

  • The Grand Prize winner will win 9 hours of consulting time from Wallaroo, a US$900 value
  • The Second Grand Prize winner will win 4 hours of consulting time from Wallaroo, a US$400 value
  • The Judges' Choice winner will win 2 hours of consulting time from Wallaroo, a US$200 value

Thank you to our Chrome Sponsor: Captain Up

Captain Up provides a platform that activates users on apps & sites, increasing their lifetime value.

Captain Up will be providing all the gamification services for the contest this year.

The game aspects of the contests are open to everyone, including the bloggers of the 25 guest posts but not only.

With the publication of the first guest post tomorrow (Thursday August 1st), any visitor to JobMob during the 7-week contest time frame will earn points and badges.

For every article you visit, for every comment you make, for every social media share and more, you will earn points and badges and everything will be tracked via a leaderboard.

The top 3 point-getters in the leaderboard at the end of the contest, who have also earned certain special contest badges, will all win prizes:

  1. The top point-getter, the person at the top of the leaderboard at the end of the day on September 24th 2013, will win $150, sponsored by MyBlogGuest
  2. The second top point-getter at the top of the leaderboard that day will win $100, sponsored by MyBlogGuest
  3. The third top point-getter at the top of the leaderboard that day will win $50, sponsored by H.T. Prof Executive Search

Although you can start earning points as of tomorrow, there will be a full writeup about this ‘contest within a contest' over the weekend (by August 4th 2013), and the leaderboard will first appear on the site at that time.

Thank you to our Chrome Sponsor: H.T. Prof Executive Search

H.T. Prof Executive Search logo

H.T. PROF Executive Search is a U.S. recruiting company that assists companies in hiring ‘KEY’ individuals.  For the past 12 years H.T. PROF has worked extensively with over 200 Israeli companies entering the U.S. Market or growing their current presence in the U.S.  We recruit on a national basis across all industries with our main focus in traditional Technology, BioTech and CleanTech.

Thank you to all our new sponsors for helping JobMob reach a $10000 total prize value for the first time ever!

And don't forget to Watch the JobMob Facebook page for more contest updates.

Subscribe to JobMob via RSS or email and follow me on Twitter. Just because.

Jacob Share

Job Search Expert, Professional Blogger, Creative Thinker, Community Builder with a sense of humor. I like to help people.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Kate

    Jacob, I am totally amazed by how many sponsors you find and the value of their prizes. Are you going to write an ebook about how to do it?

  2. Jacob Share

    Kate- not a bad idea! I don’t think I’d enjoy writing it that much, but it could still be lucrative. Thanks 🙂

  3. Kate

    Hey! I didn’t get 30 points for watching the Captain Up video!

  4. Kate

    Remember that the contest has been extended to 17 October, so you still have time to try and beat 72,805 points!

  5. Kate

    You know you’ve given up CandyCrush for Captain Up when you do beat 72,805 points.

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