For the 2009 edition of the contest, there are more prizes than ever before.
Guest posts are already being accepted until August 17th 2009. If you'd like to sponsor a prize, contact me.
Prizes to win
1) The grand prize winner will win:
- 20 hours of outsourcing time, a US$200 value. Sponsored by Get Friday
- 15 minute phone session with Gary Vaynerchuk and a Crush It! wristband. Sponsored by Gary Vaynerchuk
- A copy of the Personal Branding Magazine. Sponsored by Dan Schawbel
- US$150. Sponsored by Jacob Share and JobMob
2) The second grand prize winner will win:
- A Crush It! prize pack containing a copy of Crush It! Why Now is the Time to Cash in on your Passion and a Crush It! wristband. Sponsored by Gary Vaynerchuk
- A copy of the Personal Branding Magazine. Sponsored by Dan Schawbel
- US$50. Sponsored by Jacob Share and JobMob
3) The third grand prize winner will win:
- A Crush It! prize pack containing a copy of Crush It! Why Now is the Time to Cash in on your Passion and a Crush It! wristband. Sponsored by Gary Vaynerchuk
- A copy of the Personal Branding Magazine. Sponsored by Dan Schawbel
4) The fourth grand prize winner will win:
- A Crush It! prize pack containing a copy of Crush It! Why Now is the Time to Cash in on your Passion and a Crush It! wristband. Sponsored by Gary Vaynerchuk
- A copy of the Personal Branding Magazine. Sponsored by Dan Schawbel
5) The fifth grand prize winner will win:
- A copy of the Personal Branding Magazine. Sponsored by Dan Schawbel
The grand prizes will go to the authors of the 5 guest posts that attracted the most visitors during the contest. Details below on how to do just that.
6) An early-bird winner will win:
- US$50, sponsored by Jacob Share and JobMob.
Anyone who submits a guest post before 1 pm on July 21st 2009 will be eligible for the early-bird prize. The winner will be chosen at random from among those people and announced on August 3rd when the first guest post appears on JobMob.
Other notes about the prizes:
- Prize money will be paid in any currency supported by Paypal, using the exchange rate of the day it's awarded. Paypal is the only way prizes will be paid outside of Israel (get a PayPal account here if you don't have one).
- The early-bird winner is also eligible for the grand prizes.
- Additional prizes may be announced over the coming weeks. Contact me if you'd like to sponsor one.
How to enter
- Write a blog post for JobMob on a topic related to job search. It doesn't need to be related to Israel.
- Submit your post between now and 1 pm Israel time on August 17th 2009 (check your local time here). Or, aim for the early-bird prize and submit your post by July 21st.
- Send in your guest post via email to jacob [dot] share [at] shareselectmedia [dot] com.
How to win
Simple: get as many people as you can to visit your guest post.
After your guest post appears on JobMob, you will have 7 full days to attract visitors to it for the purposes of the contest.
The grand prize winner is the author of the guest post with the most (unique) visitors during the 7 days after the post was published on JobMob. Here are some traffic tips on how to attract maximum visitors to your entry. One hint: use social media.
In case of a tie, the winner is the writer of the guest post with the most trackbacks and Twitter retweets so try to get people to link to your post and tweet about it as well. If you have a blog, linking to your own guest posts is fine. If you're on Twitter, tweeting about your guest posts is fine too.
The first guest post will appear on Monday August 3rd, 2009 with the other posts to follow throughout the month of August. If there are many entries, I may extend the contest by an additional 2 weeks.
Once the first guest posts are published, you will be able to track their progress on a regularly-updated Contest Rankings page, like the one from the 2008 edition of the contest.
- Must be a new post of original content written in English. Do not republish your entry on your own blog before the contest is over, and if you do, please credit your entry on JobMob by linking back to it.
- The contest is open to anyone over the age of 18 and you don't need a blog to enter.
- Your post should be relevant to the JobMob Community, ask me first if you're not sure.
- The content of your submission should be appropriate for readers of all ages.
- If you use any images in your guest post, they must be royalty-free and used in accordance with their license.
- Recommended but not required: send me a byline with 3-4 lines about yourself, including a photo if possible. Posting anonymously is also ok.
- You can submit as many guest posts as you like, each one will be considered a separate entry.
- ADVERTISING IS ALLOWED but only as a one-line mention in the byline of a post. The article itself must not be an ad.
- I reserve the right to not publish any entry without justification, especially if it doesn't conform to these rules.
A summary of the relevant contest dates:
- July 21st 2009 – deadline for early-bird submissions
- August 3rd 2009 – first guest post appears on JobMob, early-bird winner is announced
- August 17th 2009 – deadline for contest submissions
- September 1st 2009 (if the contest isn't extended) – official announcement of the grand prize winners
Use the articles under the pink Best Of tab for inspiration. Otherwise, you can write about:
- Job search success stories (anywhere in the world!)
- Unusual job search experiences
- Your opinion on a specific job search-related topic
- Your most-liked/least-liked job search tools, websites, etc.
Good luck!
I'd like to get at least 25 great articles filled with terrific insight, useful tips and riveting true stories about job search.
Subscribe to JobMob via RSS or email and follow me on Twitter as I bring you the best job search advice on the Web.
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Blogged about the contest at
Pingback: 3rd Annual JobMob Guest Blogging Contest | Submit Your Contest
Pingback: Vaijayanthi KM (VJ)
Pingback: Debra Askanase
Pingback: Jacob Share
Pingback: Jacob Share
Pingback: Peggy McKee
Pingback: Jacob Share
Pingback: Jacob Share
Pingback: Jacob Share
Awesome site and resources, Jacob. I only discovered them this morning as I Googled for info on “power” words.
I look forward to learning from you.
i`am from sudan.
i look for any job.
Pingback: Job Search Outsourcing and Other New Prizes For The 3rd Annual JobMob Guest Blogging Contest | JobMob
Great idea. Sounds like fun! I would love to join and look forward to learning from everyone else as well!
Pingback: 5 Job Interview Survival Tips for Israelis | JobMob
Pingback: What To Do When An Overqualified Friend Gets Laid Off | JobMob
Pingback: MaryWhiteCornell
Anyone looking for a job and quick should try their local Craigslist if applicable. CL is a great resource for cash paying gigs, that may last a day or a lifetime. With so many out of work, every little odd job you can find helps a ton! I know from experience.
Thank you for the contest jobmob, it’s really appreciated.
Great site and so much info.
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Hi1 I am from Bangladesh looking for an administrative geologist job in any Oil Company or with an Operator working in The Bay of Bengal region or in the Middle East.
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