< Back to the 📅 Job Search Events Calendar Submit an event for the JobMob Job Search Events CalendarYour name *The name of the person submitting the upcoming event to us. You may be the event organizer or not, it doesn't matter. We appreciate hearing about any job search events that aren't yet in the Calendar.Your email address *We'll use this to notify you after the event has been added to the Calendar.Event website url *This is the webpage with the best information about the upcoming event. For example, if your event was already announced on EventBrite, Facebook Events, etc., that's the url to submit here.Will the event have a recording made public, such as on YouTube? *This is so we can later feature the recording on the event page. We'll email you for the information. Audio-only recordings are fine too.YesNoI don't know VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: 0 SharesTweetPinShareShare
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