10 Best Practices to Volunteer Your Way To a Paid Job

Get your foot in the door with a volunteering position. This is a guest post by Hannah Katsman. If you’d also like to guest post here on JobMob, follow these guest post guidelines. Volunteering in a non-profit organization is a great way to build up skills, make contacts for your job search, and keep up your morale. But merely offering your services is not enough. And you never know, your volunteer job might even become a paid position. Become a great volunteer 1) Choose the right organization. Supporting an organization's goals is critical, but not everything. Find out how the organization trains and supports volunteers, and what it expects from its workers. Volunteers may need to attend regular meetings, cover their own expenses, or donate money...


Interview: Chaim Fox-Emmett of Israemploy – Part 1

Chaim Fox-Emmett founded the Israemploy amuta (Israeli charity) in 2002 as a mailing list broadcasting Israeli job listings in English. In March 2006 after a year in development, his team replaced the mailing list with Israemploy.net, a website containing a wealth of services for job seekers and employers. This is the Part 1 of the 2-part JobMob interview.


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