8 Reasons Why You Won’t Be Hired (And How To Get Past Them)

Are you your own worst job search enemy? This is a guest post by Joey Trebif. If you’d also like to guest post here on JobMob, follow these guest post guidelines. We all know that job search can be tough and there are so many reasons why your search may take longer than you had hoped. The economy, your industry, your experience and competition are just a few of the factors that will impact your ability to land a new job. But what if it's more complicated than that? What if it's the unthinkable - you are the reason you are not getting any job offers? Maybe you've thought about it, but if you haven't, you should. Think about it - YOU are the single largest factor in getting a new job (or promotion or raise). It's just not enough being the best and the brightest (and it never was). It's about the entire package - how you present yourself, your resume, your cover letter, your network, your interview skills, your experience - and the list goes on. So now that you've given it some thought, what are the reasons you won't get hired?


Why The First Step is Hardest For Career Success

When will you take the initiative to find a job? This is a guest post by Joey Trebif. If you’d also like to guest post here on JobMob, follow these guest post guidelines. Every day we have a ton of ideas. Ways to improve how we store our pots and pans, maybe shave a few minutes off our daily commute or even how we could improve the terrible food they serve us on airplanes. We're all little idea machines, constantly innovating, improving our lives and the lives of our loved ones. You might walk down the street passing the local pizza shop and think "I can do a better job running this business" or "I could make tastier pizza". Maybe the local hardware store has horrible customer service and you have ideas on how to vastly improve their business. The question is, why don't you take yourself up on the challenge?

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4 Essentials For Your Job Search Travel Bag

Tips to help you plan the journey to your next job. This is a guest post by Joey Trebif. If you’d also like to guest post here on JobMob, follow these guest post guidelines. “On the road again... Just can't wait to get on the road again.” – Willie Nelson It's 6am and the car is waiting outside your house to take you to the airport. Bag and briefcase in hand, you head out to the car for the beginning of yet another tiring business trip. You think back to the beginning of your career when you could not wait for the time when you would get to travel for business. A couple of too many trips later, there is nothing you would like better than to be stuck behind your desk with no travel at all. Grueling as it all is, you are on the road again for better or for worse.


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